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Regional 2020, polls: in Puglia Fitto slightly ahead of Emiliano

The election campaign in Puglia extremely hard fought and at the moment the game is very open. There are eight candidates in competition, of which only the current president Emiliano and the former president Fitto are known by the vast majority of the Apulians (respectively 92% and 79%); Antonella Laricchia of the Movimento5stelle, the only woman among the competitors, known to one in two voters (49%) and Ivan Scalfarotto, supported by Italia viva and other lists, by about one in four (23%). The Apulians are divided regarding the opinions on the outgoing administration: 52% give a positive evaluation while 46% express themselves critically. Consensus prevails not only among center-left voters (82%) but also among pentastellates (53%).

O continues Cambiemento

As already found in the Marches, however, the expectation prevails (55%) that the future president of the region will bring about a substantial change in the contents and in the way of governing against the 33% who advocate continuity. In this case too, the expected change has to do with the concerns related to the economic crisis and the possible social repercussions. The voting intentions for the candidate at the moment see Fitto in advantage over Emiliano: 41% to 39.4%. Laricchia follows with 15.6% and Scalfarotto with 1.6%. All others are estimated to be below 1%. With regard to the lists, Pd (18%) and Lega (17.5%) contend for the primacy, followed by M5S (17%), Fratelli d’Italia (12.9%), Forza Italia (7.5%) and from the numerous lists of support to the outgoing president and his main challenger. It should be noted that in order to access the distribution of seats, the regional electoral law provides for the overcoming of the threshold equal to 4% for those who present themselves in coalition.

Great uncertainty

The sum of the lists that support Emiliano on the whole reaches 38.4% (therefore 1% less than the voting intentions of the candidate), while those in support of Fitto amounted to 42.4% (1.4% more) . Similarly, the M5S would get more votes for the list than for its own candidate (1.4% more). This means that Emiliano at this stage is making use of the separate vote of a part of the voters of the opposing lists who express appreciation for him, and there are not a few: in fact, the survey shows that 45% of the pentastellati express their satisfaction with the outgoing president , as well as 18% of center-right voters. And it is no coincidence that in recent days Emiliano had made an appeal to the voters of the M5S to invite them to vote separately. In the situation of great uncertainty that characterizes the Apulian elections, the turnout at the polls, currently estimated at 55%, and the role of the undecided who today represent 15.5% will be decisive. Two very politically hot weeks in the region are expected.

September 2, 2020 (change September 2, 2020 | 09:03)


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