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Region Skåne reports to the police Bravida | The construction world

News 5 April 2024 Regions Skåne’s review shows that Bravida Sverige AB has overinvoiced and the region is now canceling the framework agreements with the company. Photo: Bengt Flemark/Region Skåne

Region Skåne reports Bravida to the police, and cancels its framework agreement with the company.
The region has carried out an external review of invoices for work in construction contracting and property management, and according to the review, Bravida Sverige AB has overinvoiced.

After information that there may have been inaccuracies in the company’s invoicing within construction contracts and property management, Region Skåne decided to have an external audit company carry out an audit. According to the region, the investigation shows that over-invoicing took place and that Bravida Sverige AB has in several cases invoiced more hours than the professionals registered in the company’s internal system.

Due to this, Region Skåne is canceling its framework agreement with Bravida Sverige AB. Region Skåne will also demand repayment of the amounts incorrectly invoiced.

“Takes the data very seriously”

– We take very seriously the information that a supplier has charged you for hours you did not work. Therefore, we are now taking measures and choosing to cancel the agreements while demanding money back for incorrect invoicing. We always have an obligation to protect taxpayers’ money and act when we discover inaccuracies, says Pål Svensson, property director in Region Skåne.

The investigation points to a risk that compliance with other parts of the agreements is also lacking. All invoices from the supplier will therefore be reviewed.

Bravida is reported to the police

The completed investigation also recommends Region Skåne to consider reporting the incident to the police, which has now been done to the Ecocrime Authority. As Region Skåne has reported the incident to the police, a legal review of whether a crime has been committed is taking place.

– We take very seriously the investigation that Region Skåne presented to us regarding alleged over-invoicing and which led to the decision to cancel the framework agreements with Bravida Sverige AB. At Bravida, an action that goes against laws, regulations or our Code of Conduct is never accepted. All employees at Bravida are expected to live up to our values ​​and follow our guidelines and the agreements we have with our customers. Should this not be followed, Bravida always takes relevant measures, comments Liselotte Stray, head of communications at Bravida.

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