Home » today » Business » Reggio Calabria, the airport has reopened: here are the first Alitalia flights to Rome and Milan

Reggio Calabria, the airport has reopened: here are the first Alitalia flights to Rome and Milan

1 July 2020 13:06

Reggio Calabria, Alitalia: the Lamezia-Milan services also restart. From tomorrow frequencies doubled on Lamezia-Roma

From today Alitalia resumes direct services from Reggio Calabria to Rome and Milan (2 flights per day for each route, between outward and return journeys) and on the Lamezia Terme-Milan route (4 flights per day).

The Company’s first flight from Reggio Calabria airport will take off at 3.15 pm towards Rome Fiumicino, while the plane to Milan Malpensa will depart at 5.40 pm. From Lamezia Terme, direct flights to Malpensa are scheduled at 14:15 and 18:05.

From Milan Malpensa, the flight to Reggio Calabria leaves every day at 13:55 and those for Lamezia Terme at 10:30 and 15:35. From Rome Fiumicino the departure for Reggio Calabria is every day at 13:15.

From tomorrow 2 July, Alitalia will also double the number of frequencies (from 2 to 4 per day) from Lamezia Terme to Rome, a connection that has always remained active during the lockdown Italy for the Covid-19 pandemic. The additional flights will take off at 6:35 am from Lamezia Terme and at 9:35 pm from Fiumicino, in order to guarantee the same day round trip for those leaving from the Calabrian airport.

Overall, in July Alitalia will serve Calabria with 12 flights per day (between outward and return), including 6 with Milan and 6 with Rome. Ticket prices for flights from Calabria start at € 42 each way (airport taxes and hand baggage included).

In compliance with current legal provisions, all Alitalia aircraft are sanitized every day with products with high sanitizing power and, thanks to the HEPA filters and vertical circulation, the air on board is not only renewed every three minutes, but is pure at 99.7%, as in a sterile room. All passengers are then required to hand in a self-certification before boarding, stating that they have not had close contact with people with Covid-19 disease. In addition, passengers must wear a protective mask from the moment they arrive at the airport and during the flight.

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