Home » today » World » Regardless of Immigration Status: Durham ERAP Offers Rent Help | Univision 40 Raleigh WUVC

Regardless of Immigration Status: Durham ERAP Offers Rent Help | Univision 40 Raleigh WUVC

DURHAM, North Carolina.- Durham residents who are behind on their rent payments can apply for financial help through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

Durham residents must meet the following requirements to obtain financial assistance:

  • Family income does not exceed 80% of the area median income.
  • You have qualified for unemployment benefits.
  • Reduction in household income.
  • Significant costs incurred.
  • You experienced other financial difficulties.

Once accepted into the program, residents can receive assistance for up to 12 months. If you want to request this benefit, you can visit the website durhamerap.dconc.gov/cares.

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The Hispanic Center helps fill out the application

If you need help filling out the application, El Centro Hispano and other community organizations are providing assistance.

“They must show income, they are shown through a tax return for the year 2020,” said Claudia Urrego from El Centro Hispano.

It does not matter the immigration status

For his part, Fiorella Horna, from El Centro Hispano, explained that it is a request per family and that n or you need to be a US citizen or resident to apply.

“It is important to recognize that this payment is to the owner, it is not a check that the person is going to receive, so it is important that they have all the information,” Horna added.

If you want to apply through El Centro Hispano you can call 919-335-3073. Durham County is the body tasked with processing applications.

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