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Refuses to have children for the climate

– My uterus and I refuse to go into childbirth for Erna Solberg as long as she does not do enough to stop the climate crisis and ensure my and future generations a secure future on a livable planet, thunders Josefine Gjerde (22) to Dagbladet.

Miley Cyrus on the team

The young MDG politician is a part of the international movement BirthStrike, where women refuse to have children before the climate goals are reached. Among the women participating in the campaign is the world-renowned artist Miley Cyrus.

Gjerde herself says that she looks to 2030, and will not have children until she is confident that the world will reach the goals in the Paris Agreement. In it, the world community has committed itself to preventing global warming of more than 1.5 degrees, which means that emissions must be halved in nine years.

– I fear for the future of the children. We have to halve emissions if we are to achieve our goals, and at today’s pace I’m not sure we can do it. I do not want to bring children to life when we do not know what the world will look like, Gjerde explains.

– Already in my lifetime I have seen the consequences of climate change. It’s scary. The climate crisis is happening here and now, and will get worse in the coming decades if we do not see the will to turn today’s politics upside down, the young politician continues.

– The uterus is the arena of battle

She is currently a political adviser to the Culture, Diversity and Gender Equality Agency in Bergen, and the second candidate on MDG’s parliamentary list in Hordaland.

Gjerde responded in particular to Prime Minister Solberg’s request to Norwegian women to give birth to more children. In the New Year’s speech in 2019, Solberg came up with an appeal to Norwegian women to have more children. The fertility rate, which shows how many children we have, has been declining for years, and was at a record low in 2020.

NEW YEAR’S SPEECH: Prime Minister Erna Solberg talked about how important it is that more children are born in Norway in her New Year’s speech in 2019. Video with permission from NRK
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– Politicians love to make the womb a political arena, and this is my counterattack. It is a personal choice, but also a protest against Erna Solberg who uses the New Year’s speech to entice us women in our most fertile age to give birth to as many children as possible, but are not willing to do enough to give these children a secure future.

– Optimistic with birth strike

In 2030, Josefine herself will be 31 years old. She emphasizes that it is urgent to do something about the emissions of greenhouse gases, but still hopes to have children of her own. She thinks there is something optimistic about the birth strike.

TO FIGHT: Josefine Gjerde is today a political adviser to the city council in Bergen, and is running as the second candidate from Hordaland for the parliamentary elections this autumn.  Photo: Pernille Sommer


Josefine Gjerde is currently a political adviser to the City Council in Bergen, and is running as the second candidate from Hordaland for the parliamentary elections this autumn. Photo: Pernille Sommer
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– I hope that in ten years I can say that I am confident of having children. All hope is not lost, but we have a big job ahead of us. I hope and believe that I feel safe having children before it is too late.

There is a growing trend that women choose not to have children due to the climate. Calculations show that having children is one of the things that contributes to the most emissions. The 22-year-old believes there is nothing fundamentally wrong with giving birth to a child.

– It is not immoral to have children. We must do something about the footprint every human being puts in its place. We must reduce the amount of emissions each of us contributes. It is not having children that is stupid, but the fact that we are exploiting the planet.

Right: – Misses

Storting representative Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde (H) answers on behalf of Solberg who has a summer holiday. She respects Josefine’s choices, but believes she and the MDGs are missing out on climate policy.

– We have a basic responsibility for future generations. That’s why I’m fighting for a climate policy that actually cuts emissions. Preliminary emission figures show that emissions have decreased for 5 years in a row. At the same time, climate emissions are almost stagnant in MDG-controlled Oslo, she tells Dagbladet.

CONCERNED: Storting representative Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde (H) shares Josefine's concerns, but believes MDG has the wrong solution to the climate problem.  Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

WORRIED: Storting representative Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde (H) shares Josefine’s concerns, but believes the MDGs have the wrong solution to the climate problem. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB
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Tybring-Gjedde does not reject the seriousness of the climate crisis as the MDG politician puts it, but believes her party has the wrong solutions.

– I share Josefine’s concerns about the climate crisis, but I think MDG is missing out on the solutions to achieve the goals in the Paris Agreement. The most important thing we do is to get the business community and people on the team.

– We will continue a large-scale electrification with more electric cars and strengthen the focus on public transport and railways. We will create a fast track for new green industrial investments, build at least a large-scale plant to produce hydrogen and focus on carbon capture and storage. This is a policy that works, and that cuts emissions, Tybring-Gjedde concludes.

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