Each refugee can receive education for two years through the so-called newcomer funding. This period starts as soon as the person has arrived in the Netherlands. After those two years of education, the refugee can often participate in regular education.
But it can sometimes take months before there is a place in one of the special schools, writes Fidelity. As a result, it can happen that a refugee only receives a year and a half of funded education, while he or she needs two years of school to continue.
LOWAN-vo, the organization that helps schools with newcomer education, tells the newspaper that schools are getting into trouble as a result. And the waiting lists are only increasing due to lack of space.
But because the waiting lists have arisen in the last few months, this does not immediately mean a financial setback for the schools. Most schools won’t start to feel this in their pockets until next year.
The Ministry of Education says no Fidelity to see if it can change the rules. In addition, it is an option not to start the subsidy when someone arrives in the Netherlands, but only when someone goes to school. It is not yet clear when the ministry can adjust those rules.