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Refrigerator Must-Have Foods in September: Figs, Mushrooms, and Pumpkin La Terra Del Gusto

Refrigerator La Terra Del Gusto

Refrigerator, these foods cannot be missed now. September is their month. Take note.

The autumn it’s getting closer since summer is practically over. Of course, it’s still hot especially in the South and in the early afternoon, but for sure temperatures have dropped. It also gets dark earlier which makes us spend more time inside our nest alone or together with our loved ones.

So it’s really nice to organize Sunday lunches and dinners with friends to chat about everything. And then maybe continue with watching a good film or TV series. Fantastic is then, when the sun is not obscured by darkness, fhave a nice walk which is a lifesaver for both the body both for the mind.

And doing it in company is even more beautiful to admire the splendid colors that alone the autumn he knows how to give us gifts in such a genuine and generous way. Furthermore, between a step and a chat we can also decide which one menu drawn up for the week. In this way we will avoid making wrong purchases when we dedicate ourselves to expense.

Refrigerator, these foods must never be missing in September

This is definitely winning and convincing advice given to us by the splendid woman Benedetta Rossi and which she calmly applies in hers everyday life. Obviously we will then have to carefully write down all those things either on our cell phone or on a piece of paper foods and products we need complete with quantities, as precise as possible.

In any case, in doing this we must also keep in mind that with the change of season it changes our diet in some way. And not only in the sense that, as temperatures cool, we are more inclined to eat hot dishes rather than cold. Let’s say we’ll have to stay pay more attention to certain foods to buy especially in this period. And then they go stored in the fridge.

Figs, mushrooms and pumpkin La Terra Del Gusto

The foods to focus on now

And this happens above all with regards to fruit and vegetablesto. And we are talking about foods that should never be missing from our diet, in every season of the year. Unfortunately it is not always easy to do so the surcharges, in some frightening cases, which have also recently affected this sector. However, right now it would be necessary buy figsas well as the mushrooms e the first pumpkins.

Furthermore, these are the very last weeks that would be good to enjoy peaches, plums e plums. We then try to avoid purchasing export products and let’s rely more on zero kmor. This way we can be sure of eating fruit and vegetables fresher and definitely healthier.

2023-09-09 21:00:23
#Refrigerator #foods #missing #month #September #season #Laterradelgusto

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