Home » today » Business » Reform of the shock absorbers, the innovations in maneuver: higher allowance for those with salaries up to 2,100 euros and cig also for micro-enterprises. Protesting: “Excessive costs”

Reform of the shock absorbers, the innovations in maneuver: higher allowance for those with salaries up to 2,100 euros and cig also for micro-enterprises. Protesting: “Excessive costs”

Also home workers, apprentices e micro enterprises with fewer than five employees will have access to social safety nets. And some of the redundant workers – those who had salaries of up to around 2,100 euros – will see their allowance increased. With the Budget law It kicks off the reform of income support tools written by the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando, which on Thursday evening after the council of ministers confirmed the “ambition universalistic”Of the project and claimed to have obtained a dowry of 3 billion (4.6 net balance). But the overall cost is higher. And the associations representing the tertiary and service companies – da Confcommercio a Confesercenti, Federdistribuzione e Cooperative alliance – I’m already on a war footing because since next January will have to pay additional contributions. They claim the need for “a congruous transitional period for the full implementation of the new instruments, accompanied by suitable structural reduction measures in labor costs “, and asked the government for a “very urgent” meeting to discuss it.

The reform starts from the consideration that the pandemic has laid bare one series of structural defects of the current system of passive policies reformed with the Jobs Act. Starting with the excessive fragmentation and the large number of workers discovered, for which it was necessary quickly invent the Cig with the cause of Covid. Hence the decision of modify the system to offer safeguards even to the unsecured. After the first announcements arrived in the hours following the birth of the Draghi government, the ambitions clashed with the resistance of trade unions and industrial associations and the problem of costs. The technicians had estimated in 8 billion the covers necessary to extend the protection of the Wage integration fund eliminating the cig in derogation, granting the extraordinary cig for “occupational transition” even to companies with less than 15 employees, making Naspi’s decalage softer, expanding the contract of expansion e also protect the self-employed by making the allowance fully operational Iscro. Less than half of resources have been found, even if we have collected the savings obtained with the abolition of cashback. And not the whole plant held up. In the draft, for example, there is no mention of VAT numbers except to include them among the beneficiaries of the assistance measures for reintegration into work provided by the program Employability guarantee for workers.

Cig for micro-enterprises and an increase in tax rates – The 13 weeks of wage supplement for those with fewer than five employees (for the largest companies there are 26 in the mobile two-year period) there are drafts, but the intent to have INPS manage the whole system by eliminating Bilateral solidarity funds consisting of labor unions e associations employers is blurred. Result: even micro-enterprises will have to join the sector fund. Only in his absence from the FIS salary integration fund set up at the central pension institution. As for the costs, if in August it was assumed that in the first phase the financing installments would be fully paid by State, the point of dropping is that they will only get one discount for 2022. The rate, set at 0,5% for the very young and al 0,8% for those with more than 5 employees, it will be reduced by 0.35 points only next year (a 0,15) for the first, of 0,25 for companies with more than 5 and up to 15 employees, of 0,11 points over 15 and of 0,56 for commercial and tourism businesses over 50 employees. Additional expenses that businesses, starting with traders, do not want to bear. Confirmed, then, that those who use the service must pay a additional contribution of 4% calculated on the wages lost by the workers involved.

Extraordinary fund for all sectors already over 15 employees – Businesses over 15 employees, airlines and parties, in addition to the rate increase – today at 0,45% up to 50 workers e 0,65% beyond – they will continue to pay it 0,90% of the taxable salary (of which one third is paid by the workers) to finance the extraordinary cig. Which can be requested by companies with more than 15 employees in all production sectors, while today those of commerce can only access if they have over 50. To the current reasons for the cigs, that is, company reorganization, crisis and solidarity contract, is added that of the management of “transition processes” which will be identified and regulated by a decree of the Minister of Labor, having heard that of the Economy. And even medium-sized companies with at least 50 employees will have access to the expansion contract, introduced in 2019 by the Growth decree for companies with more than 1000 employees and extended last year to those with over 250 employees: the instrument provides for the granting of extraordinary layoffs and facilitations for theearly exodus of employees closest to retirement, against a plan of hiring young people also facilitated: a way to encourage the generational relay.

“Heavier” redundancy fund for those earning less than 2,100 euros – What changes, however, for recipients of layoffs and unemployment benefits (Naspi)? On the first front, the maneuver eliminates the first “roof”Provided for by one of the implementing decrees of the Jobs Act and revalued annually by INPS, which reduces the check to much lower figures than 80% of the salary guaranteed on the card. Today the limit is a € 998 gross for those with monthly wages equal to or less than 2.159,48 euro. From 2022, only the second ceiling will remain in force, that of € 1,199 gross. Nothing changes, however, for wages below 1,200 euros gross, given that in that case 80% was still below the first ceiling, and for those above 2,159 euros for which the limit remains set to 1,439.66 euros.

The cut of the Naspi postponed to the sixth month of perception – As for Naspi, the decalage 3% it will no longer start after four months but after six, which rises to eight for earners over 55 years of age. And to be able to request it, it will no longer be necessary to have accumulated at least thirty days of actual work in the 12 months before the termination of the employment relationship. Dis Coll, the performance due to the coordinated and continuous collaborators who remain unemployed: the duration of the allowance is extended from a maximum of six months to twelve. However, it is paid for a number of months equal to the months of contributions credited in the period from 1 January of the year preceding the loss of the job.

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