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Reform of Law 101: Instagram subscribers call Legault a “dictator”

QUEBEC – The debate on language still arouses as much passion in Quebec: the publication of Prime Minister François Legault concerning his bill to reform Bill 101 has angered many Instagram subscribers.

The government may argue that its Bill 96 tabled last week is “reasonable” and that it has fairly broad support, it seems to have unleashed a torrent of messages from opponents on the Prime Minister’s official Instagram account.

Mr. Legault notably publishes the letter sent to his federal counterpart Justin Trudeau to advise him of his desire to strengthen the Charter of the French language, but also to amend the Constitution to affirm that Quebec forms a nation that has French. as the official language.

“How dare you?”

The Canadian Press noted a small sampling of the 1,276 messages, many in English, written under this post on Monday.

“You become a dictator with these measures, how dare you? writes a subscriber. How dare you speak on behalf of all Quebecers, you work for the people, not for your personal program. ”

Moving to Ontario

To the Prime Minister who says he fulfills “his greatest responsibility” by defending French, another user replies: “You dare to write these words when we are in a pandemic, when we lack nurses, when teachers are on strike (…) , when our restaurants are still closed. ”

He goes on to say that “by dividing our province between the French and the English, you once again ensure the departure of several Canadian companies which will move to Ontario.”

“Erase me” from the province

“I feel like you want to erase me from your province,” wrote another subscriber.

“Stop spreading hatred towards the English, continues a subscriber. This is all an illusion. Instead of spreading hatred and dividing people, invite people to respect everyone. (…) Quebec is part of Canada. ”

“What joke”

Another subscriber was there with a short, concise sentence: “What a joke, this province! Get that prime minister out! ”

“Montreal is bilingual and we like it that way,” said another. Those who want to remain closed to personal and professional development, ‘move to Quebec City’. ”

One subscriber said the bill was “discriminatory against the English language”. According to her, “French is not attacked and has never been”.

“I am ashamed”

It is particularly attacking the provisions that would limit the number of places allocated to Francophones in English-language CEGEPs. She recalls that English-speaking universities and colleges collect “tons of money” from abroad.

“I am ashamed to live in such an archaic and discriminatory province. (…) Do you really want to be remembered as a prime minister who encouraged division and segregation? ”

“Our pride”

Of course, supporters of strengthening Bill 101 also spoke.

“You are our pride, our prime minister,” wrote one admirer.

“I am proud to have voted for you,” said another.

“Long live our History, our people, our culture, our values ​​(…)! Thank you for protecting them, ”says a grateful subscriber.

Another supporter concludes: “To all those who write in English under this message from the Prime Minister: you are the reason why we need a law to protect French in Quebec.”

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