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Reform goes against nepotism and corruption in the judiciary

The proposed reform to Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) presented by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) includes strong sanctions to nepotism, the corruption and the sexual harassment.

The project was presented yesterday in the headquarters building of the Court before members of the Senateafter the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He announced in the morning that he will endorse the proposal of the Judiciary to present it as a law initiative.

The presiding minister of the SCJN, Arturo ZaldívarHe explained that there is a functional reform of great depth, which seeks to strengthen the powers of the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) to combat corruption, nepotism, impunity and sexual harassment more effectively.

The proposal contemplates modifying articles 94, 97, 99, 100, 103, 105 and 107 of the Constitution, as well as the creation of two new federal laws: the Organic Law of the PJF and the Judicial Career.

Also read: Editorial. Judiciary: background reform

In addition, it reforms reforms to the laws of Amparo, Public Defender, the Federal of Workers in the Service of the State and the regulations of article 105 of the Magna Carta, as well as the Federal Code of Civil Procedures.

Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea stressed that the problems of the delivery of justice are not in the design of its organs, so a structural reform is not required.

“To undertake now a structural reform to the Supreme Court or the Federal Judiciary Council would jeopardize the independence of the Judiciary and weaken it, at a time when a strong, independent and legitimate judiciary is required.

“A deep reform is proposed, of great reach, touches the heart of the Power of attorney, it is solid, comprehensive, it attacks root problems, it is basically not in shape, it is not oriented to the reflectors but to the results ”, he explained.

The head of the Court said that for the first time it is proposed to establish nepotism as a cause of administrative responsibility and that it be sanctioned even with dismissals. Harassment, harassment and any conduct of a sexual nature without the consent of the victim also considers serious offenses.

“It is clearly established as a cause of responsibility to influence the appointment of a family member in the Federal Judiciary and it is expected that the appointments that are granted in violation of this prohibition will be without effect.

“Committed to a work environment, free of violence and discrimination, in which women feel safe, we make it clear in the law that harassment, harassment and all conduct of a sexual nature without consent constitute serious offenses and will be punished with energy “He said.

“Lawyers of the poor”

Previously, during the conference of the Head of the Federal Executive in the National Palace, the minister minister stressed that the reform he proposes seeks to constitute true lawyers for the poor, to bring justice to the most remote villages and to those who have lost hope in it .

He expressed his appreciation to the President to endorse the proposal: “This political gesture, which I greatly appreciate, confirms his respect for judicial independence.

“It seeks the generation of a new profile of judges closest to the people, trained and sensitive, and establish an authentic judicial school in which all the Power cadres are formed,” said Lelo de Larrea.

The initiative, he added, is a commitment to move forward as a public policy and, as gender parity requires, so that there are more and better women in better positions.

The presiding minister of the Supreme Court said that if the reform proposed is approved, it will go “towards the consolidation of an authentic rule of law”.

The legal counsel of the Presidency, Julio Scherer, said that as part of the federal Executive’s commitment to endorse the proposal of the Court, he will present the unchanged law initiative so that the Senate, in exercise of its legislative powers, enriches it, improve and expand.

He acknowledged that there are behaviors within the PJF that delegitimized its members, but that the Court’s proposal and the consensus so far shown among the three Powers of the Union convey a message of “stability, integrity, commitment and responsibility.

“The President will command the ship; The Supreme Court of Justice will represent the wind in its sails and the legislators will be the ones who see on the horizon a safe place towards the future.

“The institution of the Public Ministry has had rates and there are judges who end up becoming merchants. Many of them, minimally qualified, do not direct their energy to tasks other than abuse of power, bureaucratic mediocrity and the granting of immunities, ”he said.

He added that the PJF is still required to bury scandals and take appearances of truths to maintain the illusion that one lives in a transparent society.

“In a dishonest way, some judges and public ministries tend to reach out to what is offered for their own benefit,” the official said.

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