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Reflex Integration and Children’s Development: Information Evening in Oudeschoot

Gaby and Claudia both had their own practice for twelve years. They recently started Centrum Samen. Here they mainly work with children and their parents who are feeling stuck and stressed emotionally, physically, at school, at home or at work. On Tuesday, November 21, they will organize an information evening from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM with the theme ‘Getting to know Reflexes’ in Oudeschoot.

Gaby de Rapper responds to current events through a story from the past: “I had a teacher who had very short chewed nails. He always checked with a red BIC pen with a cap on top. That cap was always chewed off. We were always allowed to check with it, and that was no fun. During school hours we were sometimes given money to buy cigarettes from the village shop. He was an avid smoker.”

Master De Jong had Babkin reflex

Of course, Gaby did not know at that time that Master de Jong was an example of a ‘walking’ Babkin reflex. “When I first heard about this about thirty years later, I immediately thought of him. With the Babkin reflex there is still a connection between your hand and your mouth. Children who bite everything, who move their mouths when they are cutting or writing, adults who sometimes do that too. Something has to be said, that will happen automatically.”

All these previous examples indicate that a reflex, an automatic movement, is still active. Something that is actually no longer necessary. As a baby you needed this reflex.

“You often see that when babies are breastfed, they knead the mother’s breast with their hand. That happens automatically,” Gaby continues. “A nice side effect is that this helps the milk supply. This is still necessary as a baby. Not anymore later. And yet this or another reflex often remains active and that can really get in someone’s way, often without them consciously realizing it.”

Prevent problems faster

A number of reflexes are tested at birth, but often not much is done with them. “That is a great shame, as we experience in our center,” adds Claudia Bootsma. “Because the sooner you notice that a reflex is still ‘on’ or if it is not ‘on’, the better it is to start working with it. Then you will avoid many problems later.”

Claudia cites a practical example: “Peter just couldn’t manage to stay dry during the night. He was born with a rapid delivery and had not yet been able to practice the trunk reflexes properly. By working on this, with simple actions on our treatment table, Peter managed to stay dry during the night, much to the relief of Peter and his parents.”

Reflexes that get in the way enormously

Highly sensitive, gifted children or children with labels such as ADHD, ADD or autism often still have active reflexes that can get in the way enormously.

“Fortunately, something can often be done about it. Reflex integration creates relaxation in the body and head and reflexes disappear into the background, where they belong,” says Claudia.

“There are all kinds of reasons why reflexes remain active. About this and many more examples such as wetting the bed, walking on tiptoes, getting angry quickly, not being able to sit still, hypersensitivity, being very anxious or jumpy, the ‘it’s-it-is-it-but-it-will-come’ -not-out-of-children’, we would like to tell you more during the information evening in our building at Schoterlandseweg 10 in Oudeschoot.”

For more information, please call Claudia: 0630588994 or Gaby: 0642323462.

2023-11-11 15:38:51
#Information #evening #Oudeschoot #nail #biting #bedwetting #differently..

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