On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 10:00 amleading The Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder a meeting of the Council of Ministers. The cabinet will primarily deal with asylum issues and economic policy.
Communicate the main results of the consultation The Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder, Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger, Social Minister Ulrike Scharf and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann
in a press conference
at 12:00 am
im Foyer des Prinz-Carl-Palais,
Franz-Josef-Strauß-Ring 5, 80539 Munich.
The press conference will be broadcast as a live streamincluding through the website www.bayern.deon YouTube (youtube.com/bayern) and Facebook (facebook.com/bayern).
In Sign language The press conference can be translated and subtitled live at https://s.bayern.de/gebaerden to be followed. The video can then be accessed at youtube.com/bayern.
Notes for reporters:
- For organizational reasons, participation in the press conference after the cabinet meeting is required previous certificate until Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 8:00 amabsolutely necessary (Email: [email protected]). Accredited journalists will then receive confirmation. Please have your press ID and official photo ID ready. If necessary, a random baggage check will be carried out at the entrance.
- Photojournalist: Credit is also required for photographing the start of the cabinet meeting and the press conference (see above). If there are obstructions, pool solutions may need to be created.
- Photos from the start of the cabinet meeting and the press conference can follow www.bayern.de to download.
Data protection is an important concern for us. Therefore we would like to point out that the Bavarian State Chancellor processes personal data. More information can be found at: http://s.bayern.de/datenschutzhinweise
2024-11-04 18:15:00
#Reference #role #Prime #Minister #Prof #Markus #Söder #Bavarian #State #Portal