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“Referee and VAR will have two separate roles. Effective time? It can be a hypothesis”

The former referee, now Serie A and B designator, Gianluca Rocchi, spoke to Radio Rai, in the Radio Anch’io Sport broadcast. These are his words: “The balance in the first 12 days? It is a new year, not only because I am in Rizzoli’s place but because when you change a coach, some things always change. We have also included two tactics, two professionals who they help to read the games. We are at year zero because we are trying to create a new referee class. We came out in several and new talents are needed. There are good guys but experience is needed. This is why there are also mistakes. We are also working on the athletic profile, the modern referee must be a real athlete. We are also working on running and on the way to be on the pitch. The referee must be at the right point at the right time “.

There is a lot of discussion about VAR.

“The referee has to get back to the center of the project, despite the technology. The VAR is a fabulous tool but only if the referee is convincing and consistent. There has to be balance, otherwise the VAR becomes an enemy.”

With the inclusion of Giannoccaro as an intermediary between the referees and the club, does it close to the possibility that a match director can speak after the matches?

“They are two different aspects. Giannoccaro will be used for internal communications. I don’t think the AIA will close the door on the fact that a referee speaks at the end of the match. To be on television, however, you need to be well prepared”.

There must be two referees, one on the pitch who also has the sensations from the pitch and one in front of the monitor. Agree?

“I agree, not everyone can do the VAR, the group we have chosen is small. As referees we also have some young people, while being in front of the monitor is complicated and you are a slave to the images. It is completely another job. have two well-separated roles for the future “.

There are those who argue that a former player must also enter the VAR room. What do you think?

“I think we must have sharing with coaches and players, it is clear that the referee’s reading is a different reading, a player focuses on some things, the referee is structured and polite to make decisions”.

Maresca in Rome-Milan did not convince. How long will it stay still?

“You will see him again soon, he cannot be killed for a match. I did not like his management of the game, the mistake can be there. A bad evening can happen, I had them too, now maybe he will make a move to Serie B for then return immediately to Serie A “.

What do you think of the many protests?

“When there is a referee he has to ask himself a couple of questions, something is not going as it should and there can also be tension. We ask and we have asked the coaches for appropriate behavior.”

In rugby it is well known what they say between the referee and the VAR. Why doesn’t that happen in football?

“The day in which it will happen is very close. There is no secret and very often we listen to it again to evaluate and study what happens. Soon we will all listen to everything, to remove even the doubts about the intellectual honesty of the referees”.

There is a cordial relationship between the referees and the players, sometimes even excessive in my opinion, which however does not remove the protests. Because?

“Unfortunately, our culture is very bad, I would like to not see the crowd around the referee and abroad it rarely happens. I asked the referees to be polite and serious but at the same time also to be very strict. This is what they also expect. the players and ask for it. “

Can you think of the call of the VAR by a coach?

“I never said no. We should ask the coach who often does not feel he has to think about this too. Then clearly it should be well regulated, it’s not easy. The VAR has only been there for four years and we are constantly evolving.” .

Many penalties are awarded.

Technology clearly makes us find penalty kicks that were lost. I think that’s normal.”

Is actual time a guess?

“The international components are also thinking about it, in that case it would be more correct”.

Giannoccaro’s role?

“He will be the go-between with the clubs and will bring our official response to them. We will communicate with a totally open bridge with the clubs.”

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