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Redundancy postponed for procedural points

The Top management of Royal Air Maroc (RAM) called the staff representatives to a meeting on Tuesday to hold a works council. A meeting that follows that of July 2, shunned by the Moroccan association of airline pilots (AMPL) and during which Abdelhamid Addou, CEO of RAM had exposed the measures to mitigate the impact of the health crisis on finances of the national company. RAM provides, in fact, dismissal of “858 employees, all categories combined”, a “reduction of the fleet”, a “closure of certain representations” and a voluntary departure plan.

But according to our information, the representative unions within the national RAM have refused to hold this committee. For them, “the body chosen does not meet the criteria predefined by the Labor Code”. Indeed, the UMT-RAM, the majority union within the national company, and its management were contacted the day before by the command corps of pilots and flight crew (PNT), represented by AMPL, concerning the vacancy of the post of a member of the EC who has not been replaced, confides a union source within the RAM.

“The committee is made up of four people: two employee representatives and two union representatives. However, one of the members, a captain, retired on March 30, ”explains our source. It also adds that “the quorum at the board of flight personnel is no longer met”.

Normally, article 451 states that by-elections are carried out in an establishment in the event that, following a vacancy for any reason whatsoever, the number of full and substitute delegates of a college is reduced by half. , or 50%. In the 2015 elections, the PTN body was entitled to three full delegates and three alternates. Today, after the departure of several pilots, the college finds itself with two holders. “

Union source within the RAM

A works council to discuss the crisis exit plan

As a result, the majority union “asked the management for this CE to be held in a legal manner”, declaring itself in favor of one of the by-elections to achieve a quorum among the technical flight personnel.

“Once this is done, the staff representatives will meet to replace the person who has retired, because before going on to this economic dismissal, you need a working committee in good and due form”, insists our source. The latter also recalls that in accordance with Articles 466 and 467 of the Labor Code, management “must present all the information and documents necessary before this meeting, something which has still not been done”.

“We cannot allow people to criticize us for passing proposals that do not comply with the law, or with a technical flaw. Moreover, this is not an ordinary EC, but a meeting where we will debate the fate of 858 people. “

Union source within the RAM

For its part, the AMPL issued a press release yesterday to express its concern about the repercussions of the plan to end the crisis presented both economically and socially. “In the medium term, does the resumption of the same level of activity being planned for the year 2023 require separating oneself from one’s work tool by selling planes and sacrificing one’s skills by laying off personnel?” S ‘ask the pilots. And to affirm that they are “determined and willing to work by all means to preserve the influence of the national pavilion in the short, medium and long term”.

Remember thata compromise has already been found between RAM and staff representatives regarding the voluntary departure offer.

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