Home » Business » Reducing Standby Power Consumption: Devices that Consume Electricity Even When Turned Off

Reducing Standby Power Consumption: Devices that Consume Electricity Even When Turned Off

Written in LIFESTYLE he

Is your electricity bill too high? Surely it is because you have connected some devices that, even if they are turned off, are consuming electricity and, consequently, raising the cost of your bill.

Yes, you probably didn’t know, but some electronics and appliances consume electricity even when they are turned off or in standby mode. This is because these devices remain connected to electrical power and keep certain functions active to be ready for immediate use when turned on.

This phenomenon is known as “standby power consumption” or “phantom power consumption.”

In order to minimize the waste of energy and have real savings on our electricity bill, we must not forget the practice of disconnecting electronic devices that we are not using, obviously, devices such as the refrigerator, or some medical device, must remain connected for obvious reasons.

Appliances that consume light, being turned off

Below we will present a list of devices, which according to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), are the ones that use the most light, even when turned off.


Fortunately, since the cell phone existed, few people use a landline phone, although there are families that still have this device in their homes and it is an energy thief, since according to experts, the landline phone consumes 3W.


This is another of the devices that consume light, even when turned off and you surely did not know. Experts say that just being plugged in, the stereo consumes 8.3 watts. If it includes lights, a digital clock and is kept on, the consumption can reach 14.4 watts.


It could be thought that the laptop does not consume energy when it is not in use, however, there are people who keep it connected, but closed, that is, they are not using it, however, if it is connected to the socket, without being active, this device It can exceed 15 watts of consumption.

decoder for television

The decoder, like the television, continues to work after pressing the off button, so this is another of the devices that consume light, even when turned off and you surely did not know.

Just like these, there are more devices that consume light even when turned offsuch as television, microwave and cell phone chargers.

2023-08-03 01:16:46
#Appliances #consume #light #turned #surely

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