Home » today » Health » Reduce the risk of “cancer” with the HPV vaccine type 9 strains, both male and female injectable.

Reduce the risk of “cancer” with the HPV vaccine type 9 strains, both male and female injectable.

HPV virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) the main cause.cancerCervical and viral, there are more than 100 strains, but about 40 are known to cause disease in humans. The most well known are HPV strains 6 and 11 that cause genital warts and HPV strains 16 and 18 that cause it.CancerGenital and rectal area

There is currently no cure for HPV virus, so HPV vaccination is important not to be ignored. Especially the HPV vaccine 9 strains to prevent serious diseases. Before it’s too late

What is the HPV virus?

Dr. Sangduean Chinda Wichak, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangkok Hospital, said that the HPV virus HPV (Human Papilloma virus) is a viral DNA obtained from direct contact. From having sex (Sexual Transmission Infection) divided into 2 groups, which are the group with high risk of causing the cervical cells to change periodically before.cancer Until developing into cancer Which took more than 10 years and a low risk group Can develop genital warts This is a sexually transmitted disease.However, the onset of cancer also depends on the immune system of people with HPV.For example, if the body’s immune system is low, it may lead to faster cell development in the pre-cancer stage (less than 10 years). have

How to prevent HPV infection

We can also prevent infection with the HPV virus.

  1. Cell examinationCervical cancer PAP Test or HPV Test when found abnormalities in the pre-cancer stage If found, it will be treated early.
  2. There were originally two vaccines available: the two HPV vaccines (covering strains 16 and 18) and the four HPV vaccines (covering strains 6, 11, 16 and 18). It was developed into nine HPV vaccines that provide a more comprehensive protection against HPV infection and prevent cancer.
  3. Reduce risk behavior for exposure to HPV, such as being careful about having sex. Not changing multiple sexual partners

The 9 HPV vaccine can be administered to both men and women.

HPV vaccine 9 strains (Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine) can be administered from 9 to 45 years of age at the appropriate age. It depends on race, age, and first sexual intercourse. Which if you want to prevent to get good performance Should be injected before having sex, for example, in America, starting at age 9, in England, starting at age 11 in Thailand, depending on availability. But most should be injected before the age of having sex.

The vaccine can prevent disease in women aged 9-45 years and prevent the development of pre-cancerous lesions. (Precancerous lesion) of cervical cancer. Vulvar cancer Vaginal cancer Rectal cancer And genital warts, etc.

In men aged 9-45 years help prevent disease. And before the markCancer (Precancerous lesion) such as rectal cancer. And oral and throat cancer Of rectal cancer And genital warts, etc.

When is it good to get the HPV vaccine?

Because HPV can be transmitted through sex. Therefore should be injected before having sex for the first time And the body is at the age of a good immune system Will get the most effective from the vaccine People who are sexually active can be vaccinated. However, the efficacy may be reduced with the HPV vaccine. If the first dose is injected before the age of 15, only 2 injections are injected 6-12 months apart, but if the first dose is injected after 15 years of age, 3 doses are injected every 0, 2 and 6 months. Or every 0, 1, and 6 months. The HPV vaccine can be injected in both women and men. But it is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with a history of vaccine allergies. However, the doctor will consider the suitability and need of another vaccination.

How to prevent HPV infection

The best defense is Regular physical examinations every year Women who are sexually active should be screened for cervical cancer. Which if the cancer is detected in the early stages early Will help to be treated promptly Before it becomes malignant later

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