, Jakarta – Adult men over 40 years of age are advised to reduce their consumption of red meat. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) University of Indonesia (UI) Prof Dr Dr Ari Fahrial Syam said that this was one way to avoid the risk of pancreatic cancer.
“Not only pancreatic cancer, but also colorectal cancer. Reduce red meat consumption in men over 40 years old,” he said in an online activity held by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) regarding pancreatic cancer, Friday, reported Between.
Consumption of red meat, said Ari, is related to the performance of the digestive organs, where the pancreas is one of the body organs that plays a role in this process.
Consuming red meat too often, said Ari, can cause the digestive organs to make extra effort to digest the meat consumed.
“This means that the pancreas has a harder time producing enzymes to help digestion. It is forced to work, and so does the large intestine,” he explained.
“This red meat is difficult to digest cleanly, it ends up sticking together, over time it becomes chronic inflammation which causes polyps, and over time it becomes cancer,” he added.
For this reason, Ari recommends to the public to live healthily by not smoking and consuming alcohol, exercising regularly, and not following a high-fat diet.
Because, he continued, pancreatic cancer has a high mortality rate if it is only discovered at an advanced stage, namely 90 percent in the first year.
“In 2020, 57,600 new cases were found in Europe, with 90 percent of deaths generally coming without symptoms,” he said.
2024-01-06 07:42:35
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