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Redfall – Many are outraged by the low-cost cooperative mode

We recently learned that in Arkane’s new cooperative game, Redfallban only the host gets the progress of the campaign. If you pop in to help a friend or want to play with him, you still get XP and loot, but no actual mission progress in the story. This means you have to push the same tracks again to learn the story. Because of this, several people were upset. Players discussed the Redfall-lal their thoughts on it.

“Look at the Saints Rowthere, you can play any quest with a friend, and if he is well ahead of you and completes a late quest with him, when you reach that point in your save, you can easily skip the quest or replay it because it will be marked complete, “wrote one “Yes, this is annoying,” wrote another, suggesting that other developers may have decided to introduce this restriction. to force people to play through the game more than once, “FlanjeUK suggested, while a frustrated commenter simply remarked that” It completely killed all my interest in the game. ” Redfallt you can enjoy it as a soloist too, but if you want to play with your buddies, be prepared for having to push down multiple times.

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