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Reddit’s Dota 2 Section to Close for 3 Days Due to Boycott: Analysts Explain the Situation

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The Dota 2 section on Reddit will be closed for 3 days due to the boycott. Analyst told more about it Team Spirit Mark ‘sikle’ Lerman in a personal telegram channel.

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From June 12 to June 15, the DotA section, like many other branches on Reddit, will be temporarily closed due to the boycott of the new system. For me personally, this is important, because I am an active user of not only /r/DotA2, but also all sorts of cultural sections.

All of them are taking part against the new reddit policy related to the API, which kills the use of third-party programs (and this is a hefty part of users and moderators) – they say, use the official application and nothing more.

For the average user, this means almost no content for several days, because most of it comes from reddit. After 3 days of blackout, the boycott may continue, but this will already be decided by voting.

Reddit is a popular English-language forum. It is divided into many thematic sections, the so-called subreddits. For example, on the /r/DotA2 subreddit, users not only communicate about the game, but also share copyrighted content and news. In addition, representatives of the eSports industry actively use the forum. Often there are open letters, announcements, and AMA sessions.

2023-06-11 11:31:13
#Dota #Reddit #section #closed #days #due #boycott #extended

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