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Red light for the event industry

During the nationwide campaign, buildings in Würzburg also shone in red light. How the city of Würzburg wants to help creative artists in the crisis.

The corona pandemic has hit many companies in the event industry hard. Because festivals, festivals and concerts have been canceled and theaters, clubs and exhibition halls have to remain closed, important sales are missing. That is why the nationwide “Night of Light” campaign was launched. During the night of June 23, buildings known throughout Germany were shrouded in red light in order to highlight the economic problems of the organizers.

The project was planned by LK AG in Essen. According to the press release, their goal is “to get into a political dialogue with politicians about how the billion-dollar, extremely heterogeneous industry can be saved from a massive wave of insolvency.” A total of more than 1,500 companies took part.

Würzburg buildings also glowed red

In Würzburg you could also find some illuminated buildings at night ?? for example the cathedral, the Käppele, the Bockshorn, the Bürgerbräugelände, the Club Airport and the cellar Z87. The Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH, a wholesaler for event technology, was responsible for the lighting of the Augustinian church.

Verantec GmbH & Co. KG also took care of the brewing area. The company usually equips trade fairs, concerts and other events with technology and furniture. For managing director Jochen Habermann, it is important to reach the general public. “This requires a large-scale, concerted campaign that takes place simultaneously across Germany and achieves an extensive media reach,” says Habermann.

Culture professionals want to set an example

Uwe Dolota, founding member of the Keller Z87, wants to set an example with the campaign. Among other things, for the economic problems of the small organizers, but above all for the artists who rely on performances.

“The cellar has been closed since March 16 and has gone to zero,” said Dolota. This is particularly problematic for small organizers and artists. Even with the permitted opening since June 15, they were of little help. “We were the last to be considered and the measures imposed are difficult for many to implement.” In small event rooms, the number of guests is often only 40 people. “It is not profitable for most,” says Dolota.

“Culture is important for society and that’s why you shouldn’t let it go away.”

Uwe Dolota, founding member Keller Z87

The cellar Z87 nevertheless opened on May 15 with a music event and was able to admit 43 visitors. “We definitely wanted to take advantage of these opportunities,” says Dolota. Nevertheless, there must be new measures so that artists and organizers can live on the income again. “Culture is important for society and that’s why you shouldn’t let it go,” emphasizes Dolota.

Night of Light

to the photo view

City’s rescue package prohibited by Free State

The city administration is also committed to supporting the cultural sector. That is why the Würzburg town hall was illuminated in red. “With its fiery appeal, the event industry is breaking open doors for us,” says culture officer Achim Könneke.

However, the city of Würzburg is not allowed to introduce its own rescue umbrella for the cultural industry ?? this is prohibited by the Free State. “The cultural economy bailout umbrella is not being talked about dead, but we are demanding that it be introduced as quickly as possible by the Free State and the federal government,” said Könneke.

“The rescue umbrella for cultural industries is not being talked dead, but we are demanding that it be introduced as quickly as possible by the Free State and the federal government.”

Achim Könneke, Culture Officer Würzburg

Nevertheless, the cultural department is working on further support measures. A first package of measures will be introduced to the city council on Thursday and another round table of the cultural industry is also in preparation.

The Landtag MP Manfred Ländner (CSU) supports the city of Würzburg’s request for help for the cultural industry: “For me, it goes without saying that the Free State supports the cultural industry in the current crisis. Culture, both on a voluntary and full-time basis, makes a significant contribution to our lives in town and district at. “

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