Home ยป News ยป Red Fort Congress protest prohibited by Delhi Police; Detention of demonstrators.

Red Fort Congress protest prohibited by Delhi Police; Detention of demonstrators.

Police banned Congress protest in Delhi’s Red Fort. Demonstrations with torches are not permitted. The police workers are being taken into custody. Senior leader JP Agarwal and others were taken into custody.

Heavy police security has been established in the Red Fort area. MPs including TN Pratapan and Dean Kuriakos were stopped by the police. The Congress has said that there will be no change in the protest programme. Congress MPs told TwentyFont that the nationwide protests will continue. Dean Kuriakos said the voice of the opposition cannot be silenced.

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TN Prathapan responded that it was the beginning of a strong protest against the central government. Police move to take TN Pratapan and Dean Kuriakos into custody.

Story Highlights: Police Crack Down On Congress Protest At Red Fort

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