A call to the inhabitants of Valle del Cauca to donate blood and help save lives was made by the Red Cross blood bank in the department. Currently, only 70% of the blood needed for the entire region can be obtained.
“We have a very critical situation, there are many patient needs and donations are very low. After the pandemic, recovering them has been quite difficult, it has been gradual, slow, there is little culture of blood donation, ”said Luisa Fernanda Ospina, director of the Valle Roja Red Cross blood center.
O positive and O negative are the blood types that are being requested the most in Valle del Cauca.
“Sadness to know that it is so empty, they should come here, the attention is excellent, it is of quality”, commented the donor Jorge Enrique Silva about the influx of people in the Valle Roja Red Cross blood bank.
“There are people who really need it… lives have to be saved,” noted Luciano Gaitán, another donor.
Blood donation in departments such as Antioquia and Cundinamarca has a potential of 40 donors for every 100 citizens, while in Valle del Cauca only an average of 23 is achieved.