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Red and green lights in the storm of September 16, 2024 – Publimetro Colombia

A intense storm It affected the night of this Monday, September 16, Barranquilla and its metropolitan area, with rain and strong winds which have caused multiple emergencies. Inclement weather has caused the falling trees in several areas, causing blockages and obstructions on the city’s main roads, which has made mobility difficult.

Several users on social networks have reported that they saw and recorded on their cell phones red and green lightss that lit up the sky in the midst of the intense windsSome claimed that the lights were seen due to the explosion of several power transformers in residential areas. Others found no explanation for the strange phenomenon.

In addition, it is reported power outages in various sectors, leaving several areas without electricity. This situation has worsened traffic on the streets due to the numerous traffic lights out of servicewhich has generated traffic congestion at key points in the city, worsening traffic chaos.

Local authorities are working to address emergencies and restore order as soon as possible. According to the latest report, the Ernesto Cortissoz Airport has registered winds that reach up to 79 kilometers per hour. “We are experiencing gusts of wind that have intensified and are out of the ordinary, accompanied by rain. From the airport we are informed that the winds reach up to 79 km/h“, said an official source.

He IDEAM has reported that they are expected winds up to 79 km/h for this Monday, so it is recommended to take additional precautions.

The Barranquilla Risk Management Office has reported that the storm has caused emergencies due to the power grid collapse and the transformer explosion in various sectors of the city. More than 20 sectors in Barranquilla are affected, while in Soledad There are more than 15 sectors reporting similar damage, including falling roofs y transformer explosion.

Among the most affected neighborhoods are Las Moras, Springs, Hippodrome y TerranovaEmergencies have also been reported in municipalities in the Atlantic such as Sabanalarga, Ponedera, Galapa, Malambo y Port Colombia.

He District of Barranquilla has issued recommendations to citizens, urging them to prudence already take shelter in their homes. “It is requested not to go out, since there are energized sites that can be dangerous and risk points for electric shocks. Firefighters are already responding to the corresponding emergencies,” the statement concluded.

A strong gale hit Barranquilla, municipalities in the metropolitan area and towns in Atlántico, also affecting the provision of electricity services.

The Air-e company reported that most of the damages They occurred due to the fall of tree branches and large objects onto the electrical networks, causing them to break.

Company staff works in coordination with the relief agencies, taking into account that there are fallen trees that require intervention with equipment such as chainsaws that the firefighters have.

You can also read: Storm in Barranquilla causes emergencies: “Half the city is without power in a major blackout”

The company called on customers to report any developments in the service at 115.

Finally, he asked to be very careful, especially in the cases of lines on the ground.

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