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Recruiter Arrested for Trafficking Indonesian Migrant Worker to Dubai


The police caught the recruiter TKW Cianjur to become a PSK in Dubai. The husband of the migrant worker, named Suryana, appreciated the police’s swift steps in handling the case that ensnared his wife.

“Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. I am Suryana, the husband of Ida bint Odin, a victim of human trafficking. On behalf of the family, I would like to thank Mr. Kapolri, Mr. Kapolda West Java, and Mr. Kapolres Cianjur for responding quickly to the report we made so that the perpetrators were caught the alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons on behalf of Haji Rahmat,” said Suryana in his statement, Saturday (8/7/2024).

Furthermore, Suryana hopes that the government will repatriate his wife so that he can be reunited with his family.

“I beg the government to help repatriate the mother of my children to Indonesia, so they can be reunited with us. Thank you, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan, conveyed his appeal to the public, especially in Cianjur, to be careful with persuading people who promise high-paying jobs abroad. He asked residents to report if they know of the incident.

“We also urge members of the public not to be snared as perpetrators of TIP. If the public knows of an alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons, they should immediately report it to the local police, especially for the Cianjur Regency area. Please report it immediately to the Cianjur Police and we will deal with it soon,” he said.

Previously, this case went viral, the victim’s children Herawati and Muhammad Randi Rustandi asked the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to help return their mother.

The victim was allegedly used as a commercial sex worker (PSK) in Dubai and currently has lost communication with his family in Indonesia.

“Our mother is going to Dubai in 2022 which is departed by sponsor H Rahmat with Mr. Kapolri, Mr. Kapolda West Java, Mr. Kapolres Cianjur, we have made a report to the Cianjur Police through LBH Keadilan,” said Herawati in the video that was spread.

Recruiter Arrested

The police arrested a man named H Rahmat in connection with a case of alleged criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Cianjur Regency, West Java. Rahmat was allegedly involved in the case of a TKW from Cianjur, Ida (41) who was sent to the United Arab Emirates or Dubai and made into a prostitute.

Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Ibrahim Tompo said H Rahmat’s role in the case was as a recruiter and introduced the victim, namely Ida (41) to the sponsor. “The role of the recruiter and introducing the victim to sponsor Martini’s sister,” said Ibrahim in a written statement reported by detikJabar, Friday (7/7/2023).

Ibrahim said members of Unit III Sat Reskrim Cianjur Police arrested H Rahmat on Thursday (6/7/2023) yesterday. “After the investigation was carried out and the status was raised to an investigation and the determination of the suspect, we arrested the suspect in front of the Marhamah housing complex in Karangtengah District,” said Ibrahim.

“The suspect introduced the victim to a sponsor who could send the victim to Saudi Arabia, and the suspect received a fee from the sponsor,” Ibrahim added.

After H Rahmat’s arrest, the police are currently hunting for another suspect, namely Martini.


2023-07-08 21:41:11

#Husband #TKW #Cianjur #prostitute #Dubai #Appreciates #Polices #Quick #Response

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