Par Editorial Chartres
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The Recovery partyseventh edition, will take place this year in Mainvilliers near Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). An event organized by the Reconstruction Together neighborhood authority.
This celebration takes place in the month of the Social and Solidarity Economy and European Waste Reduction Week. This event will take place Saturday November 18, 2023 at the Mainvilliers village hall.
A maximum of actors engaged in recycling
The objective of the event is to bring together as many players as possible involved in recycling in the same place and at the same time.
Instead of throwing away we can change our practices, repair, resell, revamp, recycle… Twenty-three actors will be present, note that there were ten of us at the creation with associations, institutions, companies.
Recovery through various workshops

Different workshops will be offered, including the collection part with the “Pain contre la hunger” association which will recover the plastic caps and ink cartridges.
We can also focus on the repair workshop run by the Beta machine association, to repair small household appliances.
The barter workshop with Chartres Métropole will allow you to come and exchange your Christmas decorations for others.
The management recycling will also offer the sale of affordable Christmas toys.
A workshop of furniture makeover will benefit from a stand to provide ideas and advice to citizens.
The Perserv’action terre et littoral association will host a workshop “ do it yourself “in order to provide training in making your laundry detergent in an eco-responsible way.
In parallel with the children’s workshops will be offered in particular on the mosaic to involve them and raise their awareness on these subjects.
“It’s a family celebration, free. Last year six hundred visitors came to the Lucé edition, we hope for a thousand this year,” adds Bernard Monguillon.
█ Practical:
This event will take place on Saturday November 18, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the village hall, 1, avenue Victor-Hugo, in Mainvilliers. Free entry, catering of Caribbean specialties on site for a fee.
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#Recovery #Festival #committed #actors #meet #Saturday #Chartres