she is now grateful tosomeone who made it possiblehonesty prevail.why did he have $2000 incash?announcer: money that according to thelady rooms were hardmonths to collect them.had my social security, mylicense and credit cards,I also had all the keysof the houseannouncer: last 12February tells that whilehe was running errands his wallet waslost in some street of SanPedro, but I didn’t expect thatan earthly angel would crossin the path.everything was clean and i could seesomething, I walked and it was the bag,I was looking, but there was nono one.what this lady didthe bag was foundgrab her and take her to thepolice department pedroannouncer: when the telephonetremor returned, indicates, thesoul to body.that good deed of honestyby Angela Rosariobrought today the recognition ofleaders of the city ofangels and leaderscommunity, this emotionalevent had an appointment in the gardencommunity of san pedro, whereboth met and say thatharvest they will make a nice’s a relief to know there ispeople with that integrity.announcer: Mrs. Angelaensures that honesty is the