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Record of the World’s Most New Coronavirus Cases in India

New Delhi

Corona virus (COVID-19) in India is increasingly violent. In one day, there were an additional 332,730 cases of COVID-19.

The additional new cases of COVID-19 became the world’s highest record in a day. The addition of Corona cases in India has continued to be high in recent days.

As reported Reuters, Friday (23/4/2021), an additional 332,730 cases of Corona shifted the previous high recorded on Thursday (22/4) local time. At that time there were an additional 314,835 cases of Corona in a day at India.

This means that for two consecutive days, India set the highest record for the number of daily cases of Corona.

Previously, additional world record cases Corona printed by the United States (US) in early January, when it reported nearly 300 thousand cases of Corona in a day.

Not only additional cases, India’s Ministry of Health data also shows a new record for additional deaths in a day. At least 2,263 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours.

With that spike, according to Johns Hopkins University (JHU) data, India has so far reported a total of 16,263,695 cases of Corona. And there are 186,920 deaths.

India is below the US in the list of countries with the most total cases of Corona in the world. The total number of Corona cases in the US, according to JHU, has now reached 31.9 million cases.

Check out the full news on the next page.

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