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Record number of crèches closed due to corona infections: ‘We can …

Last week, a few hundred parents had to look in extremis for care for their small children. Because the corona virus also strikes hard in childcare. In a week’s time, 166 relief initiatives were closed after infections. That’s a record, ‘says Nele Wouters from Opgroaien, the former Kind & Gezin.

There are no exact figures on the number of babies to infants who become infected. Because they would give a too distorted picture, because many doctors are still very reluctant to test small ones. If they cough heavily and have a fever, they will be banned from day care centers anyway. High-risk contacts and infections must be reported to Growing up, which will then see whether measures need to be taken. This can range from nothing to a complete closure of the shelter.

And there are more every week. Fortunately, not all shelter facilities have to be closed completely in the event of an infection. Sometimes it is enough that only one group has to stay at home for ten days, because the quarantine period for those babies, toddlers and preschoolers is the same as for adults. ‘We realize that it is often difficult for the parents who rely on childcare. But we cannot run any risks, ‘says Maxime Dehulster of the non-profit organization Infano, one of the largest players in Flanders when it comes to childcare.

Last week, 322 ‘suspicious’ cases were reported, 166 shelters had to be closed completely, about double the number of a month ago. It is not just about children, explains Nele Wouters from Opgroaien. The reporting obligation also applies if child counselors, a cleaning lady who works there during the day or a parent of the children is infected.

Reception staff on reserve list

Fortunately, with a few exceptions, these young children are rarely really sick when they are infected, says pediatrician-neonologist professor Bart Van Overmeire. ‘We do not know with one hundred percent certainty who infects whom most often, children or adults. Perhaps it is more adults who pass it on to children. Babies and toddlers generally have fewer contacts and spread less of the current corona virus. If they cough a lot or heavily, have nasal discharge or have watery diarrhea, the risk will of course increase. ‘

Infano already sounded the alarm last month about the increasing number of closures in crèches and about the fact that reception staff are not vaccinated as a priority. But in the meantime, a small opening has been made, says pediatrician Van Overmeire. The vaccination centers have now been called upon to put them on a reserve list, so that they may receive an injection sooner than expected.

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