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Record Number of Books Challenged in 2023: ALA Reports 65% Increase in Targeted Titles

Record Number of Books Targeted for Censorship in 2023, Highlights ALA Report

Record Number of Books Targeted for Censorship in 2023, Highlights ALA Report

Rising Censorship Efforts Threaten Freedom of Choice in Reading

A record number of books were challenged in school and public libraries in 2023, according to a report by the American Library Association (ALA). The report, released on Thursday, revealed a significant increase in the number of unique book titles targeted for censorship compared to the previous year.

Dramatic Surge in Book Challenges

The ALA’s report showcased a concerning rise in censorship campaigns, with a total of 4,240 unique book titles pinpointed for censorship in 2023. This number reflects a startling 65 percent increase from the previous record of 2,571 unique titles challenged in 2022.

A Call to Preserve Freedom of Expression

“The reports from librarians and educators in the field make it clear that the organized campaigns to ban books aren’t over, and that we must all stand together to preserve our right to choose what we read,” said Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom.

Targeted Removals of Library Books

Within the total count of targeted books, 1,247 demands were made for the removal of library books, materials, and resources. Such attempts to restrict access to information and ideas further demonstrate the alarming increase in censorship efforts.

Trends Noticed in 2023

The ALA report highlighted four significant trends observed during 2023:

  1. A significant rise in censorship efforts directed towards public libraries, which experienced a staggering 92 percent increase in book challenges compared to the previous year;
  2. School libraries also faced an 11 percent increase in censorship attempts;
  3. In numerous cases, groups targeted dozens to hundreds of books at a time, emphasizing the widespread nature of censorship campaigns;
  4. Approximately 47 percent of the books targeted related to people of color or the LGBTQ community, pointing towards attempts to limit diverse voices and perspectives.

Censorship Challenges Vary Across States

The report highlighted that over 100 book titles faced challenges in 17 states, namely Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. This data underscores the national scope of the issue.

A Snapshot of Book Censorship

While the ALA report acknowledges that many book challenges are unreported or receive limited press coverage, the data compiled for 2023 provides a window into the ongoing challenges to intellectual freedom. Resolutions to these challenges can vary, with some books ultimately retained in collections, while others face restrictions or are withdrawn entirely.

Unite Against Book Bans

Recognizing the urgent need to combat censorship efforts, the ALA launched the “Unite Against Book Bans” initiative. This proactive initiative aims to defend against attempts to curtail access to a wide range of literature. As part of National Library Week, the ALA will announce its list of the most censored books on April 8, coinciding with the Right to Read Day.

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