Home » today » World » Record High Subscription and Number of Subscribers for Eighth Batch of Silver Bonds Demonstrates Continued Popularity Among Elderly Citizens

Record High Subscription and Number of Subscribers for Eighth Batch of Silver Bonds Demonstrates Continued Popularity Among Elderly Citizens

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po said that both the subscription amount and the number of subscribers for this batch of Silver Bonds hit a record high, showing that the Silver Bonds continue to be popular with the elderly citizens. Silver bonds can provide senior citizens with stable, safe and attractive investment options, making financial services more inclusive and better serving the needs of citizens and society.

Opinion Hong Kong Newsletter:On August 17, the Hong Kong government announced the subscription and distribution results of the eighth batch of silver bonds. As of the end of the subscription period at 2 pm on the 9th of this month, the government has received a total of 323,783 valid applications, involving a total bond principal of approximately HK$71.7 billion.

The final issuance amount of the Silver Bond was HK$55 billion, slightly higher than the target issuance amount of HK$50 billion. According to the allotment mechanism, all valid applications can be allotted bonds of different amounts, up to 23 lots. A total of 202,477 applications to subscribe for 22 lots or less of bonds will be allocated in full. The remaining 121,306 applications (that is, those who subscribed for more than 22 lots) will be issued 22 lots of bonds first, and a lottery will be conducted, of which 89,984 applications will be allocated one more lot of bonds. Silver bonds will be issued this Friday.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po said that both the subscription amount and the number of subscribers for this batch of Silver Bonds hit a record high, showing that the Silver Bonds continue to be popular with the elderly citizens. Silver bonds can provide senior citizens with stable, safe and attractive investment options, making financial services more inclusive and better serving the needs of citizens and society. This time, the maximum number of lots issued to each investor reached 23 lots, which is the highest in the past years. The Government will continue to review the effectiveness and arrangement of the scheme in light of relevant factors such as subscription response and market conditions.

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2023-08-17 01:38:22

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