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Record-breaking sales on Amazon Prime Day 2023: A Look at Revenue, Categories, and Consumer Trends

Earlier this week, the annual Amazon Prime Day sale took place over two days. On the first day, which took place on July 11, buyers in the US spent 6.4 billion dollars.

This is almost 6% more than this time a year ago. This is by far the largest revenue from internet sales in one day in 2023. Amazon Prime Day gives the company an opportunity to both attract new customers and strengthen relationships with existing Prime subscribers.


The biggest increase in sales was experienced by the category of various everyday devices, where 37% more money was circulated than the average day in June. The next biggest increase was 26% in toys and 26% in clothing. The average order amount on the first day of Amazon Prime Day was $56.64, compared to $53.14 last year, which is a 6.2% increase.

The option to pay for the purchase later, which was used by 6.4% of buyers this time, is gaining more and more popularity. There is also a slight increase in people making more purchases directly from mobile devices. Namely, 43.7% used smartphones, while in the previous year they were 42.7%. As you can see, you can’t really complain about any crisis, because record high sales are being achieved.

2023-07-15 05:00:00
#Americans #spent #billion #day #Amazon #Prime #Day

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