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Record-Breaking October Heat: 75 New Temperature Records Across 35 Provinces


The current warm episode with temperatures more typical of the end of August has led to 75 new temperature records never before recorded in October (64 during the day and 11 at night) and spread across 35 provinces.

This is clear from the data collected by Servimedia from nearly a hundred stations in the main network of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). The late summer episode has chained nine consecutive days of temperature records since last October 1.

These anniversaries are distributed across 35 provinces: A Coruña, Álava, Albacete, Almería, Ávila, Badajoz, Burgos, Cáceres, Cádiz, Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Cuenca, Granada, Guipúzcoa, Huesca, Jaén, La Rioja, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Lleida, Lugo, Madrid, Navarra, Ourense, Pontevedra, Salamanca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Segovia, Seville, Soria, Teruel, Toledo, Valladolid, Vizcaya, Zamora and Zaragoza.

Until this year, the heat ceiling in October in mainland Spain was 37.5 degrees measured on October 22, 2014 in Marbella (Málaga). The Cordoba town of Montoro reached 38.2 degrees on October 1, an event that the Aemet station located in the Sevillian neighborhood of Tablada equaled a day later.


The hottest day of the episode was precisely Sunday, October 1, with 37 records in main stations (35 of them during the day and two at night). Two of them are centenary: 34.4 degrees in the Zaragoza town of Daroca (with data since 1920), and 33.2 in Zamora (since 1920). And the Vitoria airport registered 33.7 degrees, which is 4.4 more than the previous anniversary (29.3 on October 4, 2004, with data since 1973).

Last Friday there were 37.6 degrees at the Córdoba airport and 30.1 in the Retiro park in Madrid (whose station has data since 1920),

During this weekend, it should be noted that the anomalous heat spread throughout Galicia. Specifically, this Saturday turned out to be a historic day because it was the hottest in the four provincial capitals (33.4 in A Coruña; 32.8 in Lugo; 35.3 in Ourense, and 32.7 in Pontevedra), as well as in the capital of the autonomous community (31.0 in Santiago de Compostela).

Last Sunday, 33.2 degrees stood out at the Madrid-Barajas Airport, the first time it exceeded 33 degrees on an October day since 1945. Furthermore, that morning was the hottest ever recorded in October in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (26.1 degrees, with data since 1920), the Gran Canaria airport (27.7 degrees, since 1951) and the Lanzarote airport (27.6 degrees, since 1973).

And this Monday two other records for the warmest night in October were broken, with 27.8 degrees at the Gran Canaria airport, and 25.5 at the Tenerife North airport (in this case, the historical series begins in 1941).


Another singularity of this late summer in October is that last Saturday Aemet activated the latest heat warning since it launched the Meteoalert plan in 2006.

This yellow level warning – risk for outdoor activities – was due to the forecast that areas of Asturias (center and Mining Valleys) and Cantabria (Liébana) would reach 34 degrees. “There are no more warnings in force on the peninsula due to high temperatures, but there could be,” Del Campo said.

This situation is added to the fact that Aemet activated on Wednesday, October 4, the first orange warning – important risk – for intense heat since 2006, since it predicted 37 degrees in the east, south and west of the island of Gran Canaria.


On the other hand, this ‘veroño’ has brought more than 40 degrees to the Canary Islands for the first time in a month of October since 2017.

The Aemet data, collected by Servimedia, indicate that the meteorological station of the secondary network located in Sabinosa, a town in the municipality of Frontera (El Hierro island), last Wednesday marked 40.6 degrees of maximum temperature around 3:00 p.m. hours. This is a new heat record in that place, above the 34.8 degrees of a day in October 2017, with a historical series that began in 2009.

In addition, it is the second highest temperature ever recorded in October in the Canary Islands, only behind the 43.2 degrees observed in Morro Jable (Fuerteventura island) on October 13, 2017. Behind it are the 40.0 degrees recorded in Valverde (El Hierro) in 1954, San Cristóbal de la Laguna (Tenerife) in 1971 and Arrecife (Lanzarote) in 2015

(SERVIMEDIA)10-OCT-2023 10:57 (GMT+2)MGR/gja

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