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Record-breaking Heatwave Sweeping the World

After the typhoon, the weather became hot again, and the sun was still scorching at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. After playing a game of tennis, the sweat was profuse, and people seemed to be pulled out of the water.

According to the news, people all over the world say that the heat record has been broken. The place near the Arctic Circle in Norway is usually only 89 degrees Celsius on average at the hottest time, but this year there was a “high temperature” of nearly 20 degrees Celsius.

Europe is also hot. My friend came back from a trip to Italy last month and said that the local temperature is more than 40 degrees. Swimming every day, the only way to survive is to soak in the water. When the Hong Kong Observatory reports the weather, “extreme” is added in front of “extremely hot”, which makes people feel that nothing can grow.

I was going to Italy in mid-August, so I asked my Italian friend. He said that August is not as hot as July, and the weather will be cooler in late August. This reminds me that August 8th is the beginning of autumn in the lunar calendar. According to traditional wisdom, even if it is hot during the day after the beginning of autumn, it will still be cool in the morning and evening. I hope this Chinese wisdom can also be used in Italy. Of course, another Chinese experience that hopes to fail in Italy is the “autumn tiger”.

When the weather is abnormal, all kinds of professional and unprofessional comments will flood in. Many people who believe in knowledge but lack analytical ability take the lead in panic. Two days ago, I met a teacher who talked about the hot color, and she was full of the greenhouse effect and the glacier collapsed. I immediately changed the topic, afraid that if she continued talking, she would feel that the sunspots were about to bounce on her face. Amitabha, there is a popular saying in the mainland that “the most feared is that the hooligans are educated.”

But the weather is so hot, you can’t do anything about him. I can’t help quoting what climate experts said: It’s impossible for the earth to be repaired, it can stop being bad, and it’s good to keep the status quo. After all, it will be cool after the beginning of autumn, which is the status quo, and it can be maintained, and it should be satisfied. As for the “autumn tiger”, it’s best to come too, otherwise it will be cool all the way after the beginning of autumn, and the knowledgeable friend I just mentioned may panic again, because “the weather is abnormal” and the “autumn tiger” will not come La!

Li Chunen

2023-08-04 16:00:00
#Chunen #hot #wordLive #good #life

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