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Reconstruction: T. shot passengers in a targeted manner | Interior

Reporter Saskia Belleman is present at the trial. You can read her tweets at the bottom of this article.

The reconstruction was prepared by the police on the basis of eyewitness reports and images of the eight cameras in the tram. You can see how T. shoots passengers less than a meter away during the tram attack on 18 March last year in Utrecht. When he reloads his weapon, passengers flee outside through a crushed window. He shoots aimed at heads and upper bodies, the images show, while walking quietly down the aisle.

There were seventeen people in the tram set. When the images were shown, it was completely silent in the courtroom.

Gökmen T. handcuffed in court

Gökmen T. was brought into the courtroom in Utrecht around 9.45 am for the substantive treatment of his criminal case. He has been seated in front of the court and is surrounded by six policemen. T. looked into the room for a moment, but said nothing.

Utrechter Gökmen T. (38) has announced that he opened fire on March 18 last year for bystanders in and near a tram on 24 October Square. Four people were killed and several injured. The Public Prosecution Service prosecutes the Court of Appeal for multiple murder or manslaughter, attempts thereto and threats against several people, all with a terrorist purpose.

After a manhunt – where the threat level in the province of Utrecht went to the highest level (5) – T. was arrested that same day.

On the first session the prosecutors show a reconstruction of the shooting and the events are discussed. The court also thinks on Monday will have time to discuss the personal circumstances of the suspect and to start making victim statements. The entire Tuesday is also reserved for relatives and victims. Thursday the OM comes with a criminal demand and Friday the plea and reactions follow. The ruling is scheduled for March 20.

T. said during a non-substantive session that he does not recognize the court. He also refused a lawyer. He wanted to defend himself, but the court rejected that request in December, because T. would not be properly able to understand what is happening in the courtroom. According to psychiatric experts, T. is less accountable. He suffers from personality disorders and is gifted. André Seebregts lawyer has been designated as his lawyer.

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