public where the possibilitytransmission rate high.yisel: what we can do inhome, but given this increase incases, should schoolsadopt different measures inback to school in successschool to the big of the floor?Adriana Vargas talked with himcongressman adrán espaillat,who sent recommendations tothe chancellor of new york.adriana: congressman espaillat,thank you for attending univisónonce more.the cdc says there has been aincrease in hospitalizationof children in the lastcongressman espaillat: we musttake measures so that in theopening of the school yearpresent all security forthe families of new york,naturally including measurementsthat today I propose to thechancellor of the systemeducacón and the mayor of thetown.Adriana: Tell us some ofthe most important of the 10proposals.congressman espaillat: musthave a robust program of useof masks in schools,there must also be at leasta weekly test for the wholeworld. the children, theteachers and other workersof the school system mustdo a weekly test. toeach family is oweddeliver in quick testthat they can take her homeand they can implement it,they can take their children andthey do it easily and quickly.can determine if the childis infected with the virus.finally, it is importantensure parents havea choice when your child hasan educational condition and aletter from your pediatrician or doctorof bedside, that canpresent that communication tosystem and that the system existsa board that can determinethat that child is going to receiveremote education.that you do not have to go toclassroom.Adriana: You have proposedmake a change in the schedulesof the lunches and that there isvaccines available inschools.>> some states have optedfor the lunches to the childrenin the classrooms todo not expose them to a high numberand regularly in the a classroom you canhave up to 30 children and they areyou can even give lunch.if not there, you canset different scheduleslunch or use of areascommon for children, so thatnot all are crowded inunárea y que esén ásexposed to the virus.Adriana: on the one hand, there is paásthey say there are too manychildren per class, what can you dodo about it? second, theunder 11 years of age who do not knowthey can vaccinate.Congressman Espaillat: It is thegreat recommendation, thatchildren under 12 years old do not knowHe has been vaccinated all the time and you can hearvery little about them,Really. that’s why I think I knowshould strengthen the protocolfor the reopening of theschools.I think it is very important thatthese measures are taken, eachschool must be prepared andequipped withventilation so they havebetter conditions. I believe thatthe classroom should be ace