Home » Health » Recognizing the Symptoms of Diabetes in Young Age: A Guide from Diabetes UK

Recognizing the Symptoms of Diabetes in Young Age: A Guide from Diabetes UK

Manado, TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Regardless of whether you are young or old, diabetes can attack you at any time.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder.

According to data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2021, there are around 536 million people with diabetes in the world with an age range of 20-79 years.

Diabetes is not only acquired due to genetic factors or family inheritance.

However, lifestyle also influences the risk of diabetes.

This lifestyle is especially the cause of diabetes attacking those at a young age.

For example, likes to eat sweet foods.

Then he likes fast food.

Then spend more time in silence.

What are the symptoms of diabetes at a young age?

In fact, the symptoms caused are not much different from diabetes that occurs in elderly people.

However, often these symptoms are not considered serious, so they are ignored.

In fact, if blood sugar is left uncontrolled for a long time, the risk of complications such as unconsciousness, heart disease and even stroke will increase.

Therefore, before it is too late, you should recognize the following symptoms of diabetes at a young age as reported by Diabetes UK.

Source: Grid.ID

2023-09-14 14:40:58
#Recognize #Early #Symptoms #Diabetes #Young #Age #Tribun #Manado

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