TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The condition of lowering blood glucose indicates a condition sugar crash which This results in a sudden drop in energy levels Verywell Health. The body responds to sugar intake by producing and releasing insulin into the bloodstream.
Insulin is a hormone that pulls glucose into cells to use as energy and helps maintain levels blood sugar which is normal. When there is too much insulin, blood sugar can drop below normal.
Everyone reacts to sugar crash or hypoglycemia differently. The symptoms of the condition are also different. Sugar crash occurs when blood glucose levels fall below normal.
Baca: Sugar Crash A Sudden Decreased Energy Condition
Symptoms sugar crash
- Shiver
- Nervous and anxious
- Sweating and shivering
- Feeling confused
- Rapid heartbeat
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Hungry easily
- Nauseous
- pale skin
- Easy to sleepy
- Weak or lack of energy
- Blurred or disturbed vision
- Tingling or numbness in the lips, tongue, cheeks
- Nightmares or crying while sleeping
- seizures
Blood sugar levels drop
If the blood sugar level is low and continues to fall, the brain does not get enough glucose and it is not functioning as it should. Blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, confusion among other mild symptoms. If blood sugar is left low for too long, it deprives the brain of glucose.
If severe or frequent hypoglycemia is possible, the doctor will order blood tests. It’s one of the important tests of blood glucose readings. The doctor will prick a finger and use a blood glucose meter to find out the results.
Other tests that help diagnose hypoglycemia are the oral glucose acceptable limit test (OGTT) and mixed feeding test (MMTT). Patients will be directed to drink glucose syrup for OGTT or drinks with a mixture of sugar, protein and fat for MMTT.
The doctor will check sugar level blood before and after consuming glucose syrup drinks to determine the difference. Additional testing may also be needed if the doctor suspects prediabetes, diabetes, or another condition that increases insulin production.
Baca: Routine Health Checks: Know the Normal Limits of Blood Sugar, Uric Acid and Cholesterol
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