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Recognizing the Signs of Anemia: Hair Loss, Frequent Infections, and More

JAKARTA (RIAUPOS.CO) – Often feeling tired or dizzy but not doing heavy physical activity, this could be a sign of lack of blood or anemia.

This condition of anemia results from the body not having enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. This is a sign that the body is suffering from anemia.

Anemia itself has various types, this disease occurs due to several causes such as taking certain medications, having a history of chronic disease, being pregnant, having health problems with the spinal cord and so on. There are several symptoms that arise when someone experiences anemia, including the following:

  • Frequent infections
    This iron is needed to build and maintain the body’s immune system optimally. Therefore, if you experience a lack of iron intake, it can make a person more susceptible to infection.
  • Hair loss
    If the body experiences an iron deficiency, the supply of oxygen to the skin and hair follicles becomes low, causing the skin to become dry and damaged. This condition can cause excessive hair loss and stop growing. However, when iron intake is met and the body can be free from anemia, this can make hair grow again.
  • Swollen tongue
    This lack of blood causes organs throughout the body to experience a lack of oxygen, including the tongue. This condition causes the tongue to become swollen, inflamed, pale, and the surface looks slippery.
  • Affecting anemia itself apart from causing the tongue to swell, also results in the mouth and lips becoming dry, cracking, canker sores, and feeling like they are burning. These are 3 things you can watch out for before getting anemia. Continue to maintain an appropriate eating and sleeping pattern.

    Source: Jawapos.com

    2024-01-02 01:15:00
    #Alert #Signs #Blood #Deficiency #Riau #Pos #RiauPos

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