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Recognizing Partial Color Blindness That Makes Candidates for Non-commissioned Officers Fail in Education

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A prospective non-commissioned officer failed to attend education police even though it was declared to have passed the selection. The cause is color-blind partially suffered.

As is known, certain professions, including the police, include several health requirements. Not experiencing color blindness in either of them.

Color blindness is a person’s lack of ability to distinguish colors. As is known, color has a very broad spectrum.

This condition is often inherited genetically. Eye diseases and consumption of certain drugs can also trigger color blindness.

Color blindness itself is divided into several types, one of which is partial color blindness as experienced by prospective non-commissioned officers who fail to attend education.

Citing a page Colour Blind Awarenesspeople with this type of color blindness will generally have difficulty seeing certain colors such as blue, pink, yellow, and several others.

Blue will appear turquoise or even green. They will also find it difficult to distinguish pink from yellow and red. Then, the yellow color will be seen as gray or light purple.

This type of color blindness generally occurs when one family member has a photopigment abnormality. The last name is the substance in charge of detecting color in the retina.

Classification of Partial Color Blindness

Illustration. Partial color blindness is generally inherited genetically. (Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures)-

Partial color blindness has two groups. First, it is difficult to distinguish red-green gradient colors. Second, on the blue-yellow color spectrum.

The following is the division of classification, citing various sources.

1. Deutranopia

– red to yellow-brown;
– green to beige.

2. Protanopia

– red looks black;
– orange and green look yellow;
– Difficulty distinguishing purple and blue.

3. Protanomals

– orange, red, and yellow appear darker like green.

4. Deuteranomalia

– green and yellow to reddish;
– difficult to distinguish purple and blue.

5. Tritanomali

– blue looks greenish;
– difficult to distinguish yellow and red.

6. Tritanopia

– blue looks greenish;
– Yellow looks purple or light gray.

Partial color blindness itself is not a curable condition. Because the cone cells in the retina cannot be replaced.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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