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Recognizing constipation in children, when does it happen?

Solopos.com, JAKARTA–Constipation in children can occur. So, parents should know what triggers are and how are the solutions?

Check out the reviews on health tips this time. Yes, constipation or constipation does not only occur in adults. Children can also experience this defecation (BAB) problem.

What causes constipation in children?

It turns out that the causes are various. One of the causes of constipation in children is organ abnormalities. “Some are caused by problems with the organs,” said Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Hanifah Oswari.

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According to him, 95 percent of cases of constipation in children are caused by problematic organ functions, the rest are caused by organ abnormalities. He describes four symptoms of constipation in children or babies. First, frequency of bowel movements twice a week, or less.

“If one day is CHAPTER, tomorrow is not, then tomorrow is CHAPTER, it is still normal,” Hanifah said in an online discussion. About Children as quoted from Among, Saturday (6/3/2021)

The second symptom is hard stool and pain when defecating, and then shedding drops once a week. Another sign is that there are signs that the child is holding back bowel movements, such as feces that are too large to clog the toilet because the child has not excreted for a long time.

Doctors can confirm other symptoms by inserting a finger into the rectum, a child can be called constipation if the stool feels large and hard.

How do you know if your child is constipated? Children are said to be constipated if they experience at least two of these symptoms.

Hanifah said, in a week children have to defecate at least three times. “If you CHAPTER 2 times a week it is said to be constipated in frequency,” he explained.

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In infants who are still breastfeeding, the frequency of frequent and infrequent bowel movements is not necessarily constipation. When newborn and breastfeeding, babies do not have much of the enzyme lactase in their intestines. In fact, breast milk that is high in lactose requires the enzyme lactase so that it can be digested and absorbed by the body.

“Because the lactase enzyme in newborns is lacking, so he cannot metabolize lactose, as a result his bowel movements become frequent, ten times a day, but in the development of the baby, the baby grows. He has more lactose enzymes, even later. it could be 2-3 days without defecating, sometimes it could be a week, even ten days. As long as the bowel movements are not hard, it’s not constipation. “

Constipation in a functional child is thought to be caused by fear of a baby or a traumatized child when he feels pain during defecation due to hard and large stool so that the anus hurts. Fear makes him hold the feeling of wanting to go to the bathroom, eventually feces accumulate too much and triggers the pain to recur.

When does constipation occur in children?

He explained the three times that constipation occurs in children that parents should be aware of. First, when the child starts consuming complementary foods with breast milk, there is also a change from formula to UHT milk where there is a change in the dietary pattern of looking to solid food. These changes make the stool hard, then the child will feel pain when defecating.

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Second, Constipation in children can occur when the child is not ready to practice defecating in place. When parents teach children to defecate themselves in the toilet, not in diapers, children who are not ready will hold back so that the stool becomes hard, then they become afraid because they feel sick.

The practice of defecating in the toilet is usually started when the child is 1 year-3 years old. He reminded parents not to force their children to avoid trauma. A sign that your child can be taught toilet training is that they can raise and lower their pants by themselves and are interested in going to the toilet.

Third, when the child enters school. Being in a new environment, seeing the condition of the toilet that is different from the house, can also potentially make children experience constipation. Constipation can also occur because a child is holding back bowel movements if he doesn’t want to go to school because of different conditions, or because the toilet is dirty.



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