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Recognize them – the appearance of each zodiac sign

The influence of the zodiacal constellations is so great that it manifests itself even in the appearance of people. A careful observer of facial features and figure is able to determine under what sign a person is born.

What features of appearance are characteristic of each of the twelve signs of the zodiac?

Representatives of this sign have a medium height and strong, athletic physique. They have dark skin, pronounced eyebrows, a large nose, a strong chin and lush, sensual lips. Aries have thick blond or red hair, and the central part of the image is the head. There are signs of destiny on it – moles, birthmarks. Aries moves fast, fast, stands firmly on the ground and has good coordination. The look is cheeky, defiant. The voice is quite high, hoarse, harsh. They retain their excellent shape until old age and look young.

They have beautiful, harmonious facial features, full lips. The face is oval or square, and the eyes are beautiful, with long and thick lashes, brown or dark gray, almond-shaped. The hair is thick, shiny, often dark in color. Women prefer to keep long curls, and men – beards. The neck of Taurus is either long and graceful (for women) or powerful and wide (for men). The representatives of the sign have broad, powerful shoulders, they are strong. Speech and voice are soft and fluent.

They are tall and tough with a very expressive face. Due to the active facial expression, small wrinkles appear on the face, but they suit Gemini. The eyes have a special glow, the forehead is wide, the lips and nose are narrow and straight. His face is streaked with freckles, his expression is a little sly, playful. Hair color can be any, but the hair is thin. More often they wear a short haircut. In men, bald spots are not uncommon. The twins are naturally flexible and graceful. The voices are loud and high, they speak fast. They also actively move and gesture.

It has a lot of softness, rounded shapes and curves. Their pale face may face the moon and their cheeks flushed. The nose is small, slightly turned up. The tendency to be overweight always keeps them in shape. Hair does not cause cancer problems – it is often thick and smooth. The color is very light or black. Cancer has special eyes – meek, slightly convex or narrow, as if looking inward. Nature rewards women with beautiful breasts, often with a spicy mole. They always have beautiful hands and small feet.

Lions have long and beautiful legs. Men have broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. Both sexes have an excellent figure, muscular and strong body. Lions have a large head with a broad forehead and a large but beautiful nose. The skin is dark. The hair is thick, wavy in nature, often has light shades. Leo’s eyes are large, shining, wide open, with a raised outer corner. The head is proudly raised, the chin is slightly pushed forward. Their gait is graceful, the movements are smooth and not fast. They have unhurried speech and a sonorous voice with an authoritative note.

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