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Recognize the Risk of Wounds in Diabetic Patients

JawaPos.com-Head of nursing at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) Debie Dahlia said those with a history of diabetes for 5-10 years are at risk of developing diabetic wounds.

“The risk of diabetic wounds can be experienced by diabetic patients who have suffered from the disease for about 5-10 years. The longer you have diabetes, the higher the risk, “said Debie Dahlia, as reported by Antara BetweenWednesday (20/4).

Diabetic wound is a condition of skin tissue damage found in diabetic patients. It starts in the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and spreads to deeper tissues, such as bone and muscle.

The wound is the most common complication in people with diabetes. An easy cause of injury in diabetic patients is due to nerve damage in the foot area, which can cause foot deformities, reduced sensation of feeling touch, pain, and changes in temperature.

“In addition, dry skin and sweat regulation disorders which dry skin also have the potential to cause injury,” said Debie Dahlia.

Debie revealed, as many as 20 percent of diabetic patients who are hospitalized due to diabetes wound problems. The sores often occur on the lower extremities and are difficult to heal.

Editor: Latu Ratri Mubyarsah

Reporter : Antara

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