Tribunnews Reporter, Fitri Wulandari
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Implementing a healthy lifestyle, of course, not only by doing regular exercise.
The intake of food and processed products that contain balanced nutrition is quite decisive health somebody.
These important nutrients are very good and needed by athletes, including athletes who will compete in the XX National Sports Week (PON) Papua 2021.
One of a series of important nutrients that the body needs is protein which not only has a function to repair cells, but also produces new cells, makes the body’s organs work optimally, supports the immune system, and becomes a source of energy.
Therefore, it is important for athletes to meet their daily protein needs, because the body does not only need fat and carbohydrates.
Protein also consists of amino acids which are generally divided into two namely essential and nonessential amino acids.
When consuming foods that contain protein, of course the digestive system will automatically break down protein into amino acids.
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This amino acid is needed almost all parts of the body.
Nutritionist, Researcher on Sport Nutrition & Fitness, Mury Kuswari SPd MSi said that protein is one of the important nutrients needed to support sports performance.