Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases faced by women. Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that develops in breast cells. These cells grow abnormally in the breast. Growth is also relatively fast, because cancer cells divide and accumulate rapidly.
Cells that experienced an increase in quantity earlier, then form a lump. In fact, it can spread to other organs of the body through the lymph nodes. So, what are the causes of breast cancer.
Causes of Breast Cancer
In accordance with the initial explanation, breast cancer arises due to abnormal growth of breast cells. Generally, this occurs due to genetically inherited gene mutations.
Also read: Early Detection Extends Life Expectancy of Breast Cancer Patients
However, some external influences can also be a cause of breast cancer, such as abnormal menstrual age, habit of consuming alcoholic beverages, symptoms of obesity, lack of movement or exercise, active or passive smoking, use of birth control pills and inappropriate hormone therapy.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
In the early stages, breast symptoms are difficult to identify. Therefore, checking periodically by feeling the breast carefully clockwise to detect lumps is a simple thing that can be done to prevent more malignant breast cancer. So, here are the symptoms of breast cancer.
1. The appearance of a lump due to hardening of the breast
2. Bleeding nipples