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Recognize the Cause of Child’s Fever and How to Treat it at Home: The Key, Don’t Panic

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – In everyday life, children must have experienced fever. This is a very common thing, and the condition is most common in children.

Pediatrician Siloam Hospitals Kupang dr. Sugi Deny Pranoto Soegianto Sp.A., say, child fever This is a common sign in children because the immune system is responding when the child is sick or has an infection.

Even this condition can occur due to non-infectious causes.

“With proper treatment and knowing the condition of the child, fever parents can handle children, the key is not to panic,” he said dr. Sugi Deny Pranoto Soegianto Sp.A., at the health talk educational event entitled “Children with Fever Don’t Panic” held by Siloam Hospitals Kupang via virtual, Saturday (08/01/2022).

Causes and How to Treat

According to Dr. Sugi, there are many factors that a child has a fever. An increase or increase in the child’s body temperature is quite common considering that children are still developing their own immune system.

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This pediatrician who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, explained that the normal temperature for children is 36.5 – 37.5 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature exceeds normal in children, fever can generally be caused by an infection in the child’s body due to the body’s response to attacks by bacteria, parasites and viruses.

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Fever in children can also be caused by non-infection, which can be caused by things such as post-immunization, teething, dehydration, hyperactivity and others.

“If fever is found in 8 certain conditions, immediately take the child to the hospital to get further treatment,” added dr. Toothpick.

Also read: Mysterious! Fever Outbreak Takes 56 Children’s Lives in India, After Testing Not Covid-19

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