Some experts claim that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 causes milder symptoms than other variants, such as Delta. The symptoms are similar to the common cold, such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, stuffy nose, and headaches.
Talking about headaches due to Omicron, then how do you tell them apart from regular headaches? Check out the following information.
Headache Due to Omicron
Quoted from Times of IndiaThursday (3/3/2022), here are three ways to tell the difference between a regular headache and a headache due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
1. Moderate to severe headache
Symptoms of mild headaches are usually caused by the pressure on the brain and if severe symptoms can be caused by migraines. The intensity of the headache also depends on the trigger.
While headaches due to Omicron, patients will experience a feeling like throbbing, pressing, or stabbing. The intensity of the headaches felt was classified as moderate to severe.
In addition, headaches due to Omicron will generally last for three days despite taking medication regularly.
2. Headache on both sides
Common headaches will generally occur on one side of the head, be it the right, left, or middle.
While headaches due to Omicron will usually be felt on both sides. The patient’s entire head will feel sore and tense.
3. Inflammation occurs
According to research by experts, headaches due to infection with the Omicron variant can cause an inflammatory reaction in the body when fighting viruses.
In addition to multiplying in the respiratory system, the virus can also affect the sinuses causing inflammation. Therefore, headaches triggered by an Omicron infection may result from inflammation in the sinuses.
How to Overcome Headaches Due to Omicron
In addition to knowing the symptoms of headaches due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19, patients also need to know how to deal with them. Quoted from Healthline, Thursday (3/3/2022), see the following information.
1. Drink water
Omicron patients who experience headache symptoms are advised to drink enough water. It is also useful for dealing with mild or severe dehydration that can trigger headaches.
2. Cold water compress
Using a cold compress can help reduce headache symptoms. The trick, compresses cold water or ice to the neck or head area to reduce inflammation, slow nerve conduction, and constrict blood vessels.
3. Caffeinated beverages
Headaches can also be relieved by consuming drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea or coffee. The reason is, caffeine is said to improve mood, alertness, and constrict blood vessels which can have a positive effect on headache symptoms.
4. Get enough sleep
If COVID-19 patients, including Omicron, experience headaches, it is advisable to get enough sleep and rest. The reason is, if you experience lack of sleep when you are sick, it can cause a more severe headache.
according to The Journal of Head and Face Painthose who lack sleep experience more frequent and severe headaches.
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