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Recognize 10 Signs of an Unhealthy Heart, So Be Alert Before It’s Too Late

SUBANG, TINTAHIJAU.com – Chest pain and shortness of breath are a sign that the heart is not healthy, but it turns out that feeling is not the only indicator related to your heart health, but heart conditions can also be felt in other parts of the body, such as stomach pain, arms to head.

Because of this, pain that is felt by other parts of the body is often mistaken for pain from that part of the body when in fact it is pain caused by an unhealthy heart condition, so one might think that the heart condition is fine, even though the heart is disturbed.

In some cases, heart health is affected by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking habits, likes to eat fatty and sweet foods and is lazy to exercise. These habits trigger the emergence of other diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension.

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In addition, age and genetic factors also often play a very influential role in someone who has heart disease. Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is a heart disorder caused by genetics that is often experienced by babies in Indonesia.

So, the more risk factors a person has, the higher the possibility of developing heart health problems. That is why, these people are advised to carry out routine checks to the doctor.

Signs of Unhealthy Heart

Signs of an unhealthy heart can vary from person to person. Get to know the following complaints that are often reported by sufferers, quoted from WebMD:

1. Chest Pain

These signs are conditions that are often complained of by people with heart problems. This is caused by blockages in the arteries or abnormalities in the heart’s electrical flow.

The interpretation of each sufferer of this complaint varies. Because, not only pain, some of them claim to be sore like burning, pinching, or having a heavy burden on the chest.

The condition usually lasts a few seconds to minutes when resting or doing physical activity.

2. Abnormal Heartbeat

Heart rate often running fast, slow, or irregular? This indicates an arrhythmia due to an electrical abnormality of the heart. Until now, medical experts have not been able to explain with certainty the cause. However, lack of rest and drinking too much caffeine can be one of the triggers.

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