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Recluse spider | What does a recluse spider look like: bite, treatment and habits

The recluse spider, causing the death of a young man in Italybelongs to the Loxosceles genus and “has been living with humans on the peninsula for decades and is not aggressive,” a group of experts consulted about reports of bites by this insect confirmed to the EFE agency some time ago.

Known for the dark violin-shaped spot of his encephalothoraxthis hairy brown spider “It inhabits warm regions spread throughout the world,” explained Carlos Ribera, professor of the Department of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Barcelona (UB), who warned that “Its venom is potent enough to cause necrotic wounds in humans.“.

Bites from this insect are not common, as Loxosceles rufescens “is not usually aggressive.” However, it is important to be careful, as has been made clear by the unfortunate incident that occurred recently in Italy, in the Puglia region.

Specialists in arachnids such as the biologist Claudia Isabel Navarro Rodríguez, from the UNAM Biology Institute, They detailed that the recluse spider measures between 1 and 3 centimeters, has six eyes (which are crescent-shaped), It is reddish brown in color and has very thin legs..

Its popular name is derived from the violin-shaped pattern on the front of its body called prosoma. Beyond its physical characteristics, it can be said that the violinist is shy in nature, so it avoids contact with humans and, if necessary, can self-harm to escape human presence. This spider does not weave webs like the most common ones, but cottony and irregular ones.

Imperceptible bite but clear symptoms

The effect of the bite of the brown recluse spider “It depends on whether it can penetrate the skin to inject its venom.“, Carlos Ribera stressed. The symptoms may be derived “from the toxic substance itself or from the parasites transmitted by the bite.”

The The bite of a brown recluse spider is imperceptible most of the time.However, we can identify the following symptoms Once the spider has bitten us: pain in the area of ​​the bite, redness and later swelling. The area of ​​the bite feels hot. Fever, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.

Fortunately, the bite of the brown recluse spider is not as lethal as that of the black widow spider, but it is requires immediate medical attention.

How to act if we get stung

In case of a bite, it is recommended to try to take a photo of the spider to be sure of its species and to be able to apply the correct antidote. Also, clean the bite with soap and water, without applying anything else and without sucking the wound.

Presence in Spain

According to experts, the specimens that have arrived in Spain have done so “as a result of globalisation and travel”. The species “has been observed in other parts of Europe”.

These arachnids have also been detected in North America and parts of Africa.

Of nocturnal habits, They prefer dark, hidden places and can appear in caves.under stones and in cracks, “but also in corners of some houses or closets.”

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