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Reciprocity, a condition for access to Schengen countries for Moroccans

Photo d’illustration / DR.

While the European Union has announced the opening of its Schengen borders with Morocco, during this month, nationals of the country will not be able to access it as easily. Indeed, the state of health emergency linked to the pandemic of the new coronavirus still means the suspension of international travel. Thus, a number of States in the Schengen zone could resort to the principle of reciprocity, making that only the countries with which Morocco reopens its borders would be accessible to Moroccan travelers.

Morocco is concerned by the opening of the Schengen area, of course, but this measure will only be effective when it also opens its own borders to countries of the European Union.

Along with the kingdom, other countries have been included, such as Tunisia, Canada, Australia, Georgia, Serbia, Montenegro, Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand and New Zealand. . This list is reassessed every two weeks, depending on the evolution of the pandemic situation in the countries mentioned as well as in the Schengen area.

In this sense, Spain has already announced implement the principle of reciprocity, even vis-à-vis European states like France. Germany joined Madrid in this decision, thus closing its borders to Morocco, until the latter has reestablished passenger traffic with Berlin. In Europe, this was also the case between France and Great Britain.

Other countries have chosen to lighten the measure, Italy having restored access to its territory to residents and nationals of neighboring countries, although some of the latter keep their borders closed.

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