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Recent Study: This 3 Types of Diet Combination Effectively Lose Weight

Recent studies have revealed that a combination of 3 types of diet is proven to be effective in losing weight. The three are calorie-restricted diets, low-carb and high-fat diets, or intermittent fasting diets.

antvklik.com – One effective way to lose weight is to undergo a certain diet or change your diet. Reporting from Medical Xpress, researchers recently revealed that instead of running one diet, such as a calorie-restricted diet, a low-carb and high-fat diet, or an intermittent fasting diet, it’s better to run all three alternately and in a row.

In a study published in the journal Nutrition, researchers looked at 227 adults who sought medical intervention for weight loss and were advised to follow one of the three diets.

After following one diet, 154 participants then switched to another diet, and then to a third diet. During intermittent fasting, participants also adopted a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet.

As a result, 78% of patients lost about 5% of their body weight while following a single diet, and there was no difference in the amount of weight loss achieved by diet type. However, those who did 3 diets in a row lost almost twice that amount of weight.

This suggests that changing your weight loss strategy can help you lose weight more effectively.

“Staying on the same diet can be challenging, and is often the reason people stop doing it,” said study lead author Rebecca Christensen, Ph.D.(c) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

“That’s why it’s encouraging to see that going on different diets in succession is likely to have a greater effect. It may be easier for many people to switch to a new dietary intervention, rather than sticking to one meal plan for the long term.”

However, according to Christensen, those who managed to lose 5 percent of their weight still got a big advantage for their health. The modest amount, so-called, was associated with improvements in cardiometabolic function in previous studies.

This agrees with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, which states that losing 5 to 10% of total body weight can help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, and can lower cholesterol.

The CDC adds that maintaining weight loss over time can continue to provide benefits, such as better energy levels, higher physical mobility, better mood, and even higher self-confidence.

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